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Blesta Developers
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Everything posted by Paul

  1. Total income for all time? For the calendar year? For the previous 12 months? We did have a pie chart in v2.5 that represented revenue share for the customer for the year, but it doesn't work well with a lot of customers.
  2. I have to admit, your countdown makes me a little nervous. It reminds me of all the work ahead.
  3. That was a good movie
  4. Paul

    Blesta Baby

    Thanks guys! On the crazy scale, 1 seems to be alright, 2 is exponential craziness because they charge each other up. We'll see how 3 goes!
  5. It's assigned to b7, but since it's not done I can't say for sure if it will be in there.. that's the plan.
  6. I have added this as CORE-597: Change log in link to use post instead of http basic auth
  7. Ahh. Ok, in WHM under Tweak Settings > Security > Enable HTTP Authentication, is it on or off? If off, try turning it on and see if it then works. With it on, then also test WHM** and see if it still works. The solution may be to switch to post and not use http basic auth, but I want to see if it will break it the other way around.
  8. How are they formatting the request? Are they posting the data, or linking to it like us? Can you post either the form fields (mask the user/pass) or the URL if its a link (mask the user/pass).
  9. I actually didn't have this problem when I was testing, I was able to login to 2 different cPanel accounts by clicking the link without logging out of either.
  10. I can't duplicate this, the login links works for me and bam I'm in cPanel. The only time it hasn't worked is when I tested on several cPanel accounts in a row, as if it's some cPanel security measure. However, I just tested it again and was able to get into 2 different cPanels one after another. I tested in both the admin and client area. I'm using Chrome Version 28.0.1500.72 m on Windows 7.
  11. Sounds more like productivity pills!
  12. Paul

    Blesta Baby

    As some of you may know, my wife and I had a baby last Tuesday. His name is Silas and he was 9lbs 4oz and 21.5" in length. Here he is, all swaddled up. Blesta is keeping him nice and warm. And another without the pacifier.
  13. I think there was a thread on WHT recently about someone doing something similar, and ordering a bunch of food trucks.
  14. It still needs some pages completed, but the design is totally done. Every time I was planning to make it live, I got sidetracked with other things, doh! I'll make sure it goes up sometime next week, curious what you think of it.
  15. Oh I missed it! Looks like it was taken down.
  16. Paul


    Do you have your email going through a spam filter like Barracuda or Mailfoundry? That would reduce your spam overall, including ticket spam.
  17. Some games I have recently played: CS:GO, Left for Dead 2, Starcraft 2, Minecraft
  18. That's what it's all about!
  19. I've added the cancel reason suggestion to CORE-590 and tentatively assigned it to version 3.1. The credit for cancelling early should be included in proration.
  20. Yeah, so far I see this as a kinda neat feature, but perhaps not terribly useful. Maybe we should revisit this one later, do a poll or something and gauge feedback.
  21. This has been assigned to CORE-589 and is scheduled for version 3.1 currently. It will likely be a setting for the company and client group.
  22. Paul


    I like the idea of it, but I have never heard of an actual commercial PHP application distributed in this format.
  23. It's a feature exclusive to webkit browsers I'm assuming. Do you think people would use this on a regular basis?
  24. Paul


    We had this discussion internally a long time ago, and chose not to use it for many reasons. What all those reasons were, I can't remember.. but it has a requirement of PHP 5.2, which would raise our minimum requirement.
  25. Why must you store, even temporarily the CVV data? If you have to store locally, at least it can be PCI compliant. Does this gateway require the CVV for every transaction? Cody's right.. this would probably be a deal breaker for us if the client was unwilling to listen. There are lots of negotiables with development, but this isn't really one of them and you could be drawn into it if there is a breach. If it's a customer you really need to keep, at a minimum, I would want a signed liability waiver and acknowledgement that it goes against your recommendation. If there is a breach later on, he can't point the finger at you (or sue you).
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