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Everything posted by Paul

  1. Paul

    Release 3.0.4

    Awesome! Awesome! I believe it is a time issue. The revenue is correct, just not for the time period you expect. We need to investigate a bit more.
  2. Paul

    The Game

  3. Paul

    Release 3.0.4

    Thanks! These were reported to us by Vlad C from NetSec, which we appreciate. We want to be transparent about any security related issues, no matter how small or how large. And, of course, do our very best to write code in such a way that minimizes the potential of any security risk to begin with.
  4. This made me LOL A feature to set the number will be in a future release. For now, this should work for changing it after the 1st one has been created. Cody or Tyson may have a better suggestion, though.
  5. Thanks for the suggestion.. If I'm remembering correctly, you suggested this early on. Definitely needed!
  6. Paul

    Release 3.0.4

    Not sure what since 3.0.3 would cause that on Windows. Anyone else having any trouble?
  7. Paul

    Release 3.0.4

    That's pretty odd. Did you run /admin/upgrade after patching the files?
  8. Paul

    Release 3.0.4

    Try now
  9. Paul

    Release 3.0.4

    Please note the download will be available shortly.
  10. Blesta 2.5 would use the auto-incrementing client id from the database as the client id. v3 uses clients.id_value and clients.id_format. This isn't yet customizable in the interface, so you may be able to make a change in the database. BACK UP EVERYTHING FIRST Look for the client where id_value is the largest, and change it. If you want the next client to have an ID of 12345, set it to 12344. Then, create a new client. Then, change the id_value back that you changed to 12344. If you want to include other characters in the client id, you can as well. For example.. HOST-12345 USER-12345-CO abc-12345 12345-xyz To do that, look in company_settings for the key clients_format and change the value. Be sure to include {key} in your string, someplace. Again, make sure you back up everything first. I'm not 100% sure the first thing I mentioned will work as intended.
  11. What type and level of integration would you like to see? Would this mainly be for server provisioning over the API? A SingleHop module?
  12. I kind of want to build a "post-install plugin" that allows common tasks, like updating the email address for templates super easy. Almost tutorial-style. Configure XYZ [submit] [skip] .. etc
  13. Most likely, it's built and in QA
  14. Speaking of that, I do notice that even Google images, who auto loads more results does limit the total number they will load in this manner.
  15. This is assigned to CORE-628 and is a blocker for 3.1. Packages will be drag-n-drop sortable within their groups. ie, under Packages > Groups, click a group, and drag-n-drop the packages within the expandable area. A similar method for sorting configurable options will be in 3.1 as well.
  16. Awesome! Chip chip hooray for proper accounting of transactions.
  17. We are looking into this, but any solution is unlikely to be in 3.0.4 as that will probably be out today. We will release any updates to the module on the forums as soon as we have something to test.
  18. Paul


    Because the import utility is a plugin and ran under Company Settings, you can import data into multiple companies. So, you could theoretically dump your live database and import into 2 new temporary databases.. then edit each of these to remove clients you don't want in one or the other. Then, you can import from each of these databases from the proper company in v3.
  19. I don't see anything either. I wonder if this is a bug with Ioncube for Cloudlinux. You might want to submit your findings to Ioncube and see what they say. You might also be able to ask them for an older version of the loader, I can't find anything either.
  20. Ah, in that case no, there's no built in support for that.. but it's something that could certainly be done as an extension.
  21. 3.0.4 will be released today or tomorrow
  22. Paul

    The Game

    That doesn't stop you from watching the Angels play.
  23. Mike is right, it may be a permissions issue.
  24. I wouldn't be surprised if it's an ioncube issue.. make sure you have the latest loaders (And if you do have the latest and it's still an issue, maybe see if you can get a slightly older loader).
  25. That is the proper solution. This can also be accomplished by going to Settings > System Settings > Staff > Staff Groups, and editing your staff group and simply saving it.. this also clears the cached navigation links. The only other thing you'll likely have to do, is re-issue your license in the client area.
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