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Everything posted by Paul

  1. You shouldn't have to install any modules or plugins, the importer will do that.. though, it shouldn't be a problem that you did but in our testing we go from a fresh install.
  2. We have a roadmap but it's not public. We're working towards making our project management public, but we have to work out some permissions issues with items that we don't necessarily want to be public before we can do that. Step 1: Upgrade the system is complete.
  3. That's a tough one, looks like MySQL is crashing or times out. Is it running on localhost?
  4. Thanks, we appreciate your support!
  5. Quotes aren't in here yet, but more and more people have been asking about it. We have been trying to decide whether to build a quote system into the core, or build it into a more advanced, project management system.
  6. I've assigned Realtime Register to task CORE-840, but due to demand, it's not likely to be ready soon. Have you reached out to Realtime Register to see if they may be interested in building support for Blesta?
  7. It should import all of those things, chances are it is failing at some point. We'll need to identify the error you're getting so that we can try to fix it. Cody should be able to provide information to enable debugging on the importer.
  8. If anyone has any issues with the new importer, please let us know. It may very well require some tweaks. Importing in our test environment with a small data set isn't the greatest of tests.
  9. The documentation is coming together, albeit a little slower than we would like. All of the modules are open, and serve as excellent examples. If you take one apart, it should start to make pretty good sense. If you have any questions, we're available.
  10. Paul

    Whmcs Import

    Cody updated the importer, you can get it here - http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/960-whmcs-migrator-beta-updated-2013-10-22/
  11. Cody updated the importer today, you can get it here - http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/960-whmcs-migrator-beta-updated-2013-10-22/
  12. We don't recommend it, and will not maintain it.. but if someone really needs something, it's an option. An option we are likely to decline, but we've done it before in a couple cases. We recommend sticking to extensions because it doesn't eliminate an upgrade path.
  13. I'm not sure I understand what you mean. When an invoice is generated, the renew date for that service should be moved forward.
  14. We are available for sponsored and custom development, email sales and we can discuss. If it's an extension it's a lot easier than a change to a core feature. For sponsored development, we only implement changes that we want to add to the product but can't do yet due to heavy demand of other features. For everything else it's custom development where we would make the change or build the feature just for you, and not include it in a future release.
  15. What modules are you waiting for?
  16. There's probably some custom code you can add to pull custom fields into invoices. Does it have to go in a particular place? Tyson may be able to help.
  17. An update is coming that imports packages and services this week. Thanks for the suggestion, some kind of indicator would be great. No CLI option at the moment. How much data do you have?
  18. This week
  19. Paul

    Proxmox Module

    It's looking very likely that Proxmox will be included in 3.1. Stay tuned.
  20. Just a note, this solves the issue where the hosting plans don't appear after selecting a domain. It does not automatically fill in the domain for the hosting plan. That requires a more complex solution, and we'll be taking a look at that later.
  21. It's in active development, and is very likely that it will be in beta sometime next month. I haven't seen that, do you know who said that? All very good reasons! Thanks for the suggestion, we are certainly open to the idea of partnering with a live chat company.
  22. We have a beta Enom module that is scheduled to ship with 3.1. If you have an installation of 3.0 (paid or trial is fine) I can send you the beta module for testing. We do not currently have a Virtualmin module. I don't have one in particular I can recommend, but there are several really good options available. I would probably recommend some feedback from the community on this. There are quite a few things that are different, largely a lack of extensions at the moment.. that's the biggest issue, and one we're working on. In terms of core features, probably configurable options (scheduled for 3.1) and proforma invoices (scheduled for 3.2 I believe) Blesta does a lot of things better, like better accounting of transactions and invoices. We have an importer that imports virtually everything except packages and services. We should be making an updated importer available with support for packages and services this week. It will be available on the forums when it's ready. I suggest downloading Blesta from the home page, installing and selecting the "start a 30 day free trial" option. Play around with it, let us know what you think and if you aren't sure if a particular feature that you need exists or not. Our development is prioritized by what people need most going forward. Thanks!
  23. Paul

    Whmcs Import

    Migrating to 2.5, then importing to 3.0 isn't officially recommended.. you will end up with less information imported than importing to 3.0 directly. I suggest waiting a few days and trying our updated 3.0 importer.
  24. I believe Softaculous may be working on a Virtualizor module for Blesta. You might follow up with them to see if that's the case, and if they have an estimate on when it will be available.
  25. It might not be too terrible to do a manual migration if that's the case. Have you downloaded and installed the trial? You can download it here - https://account.blesta.com/client/plugin/download_manager/client_main/download/13/ and install and just select to start a trial during installation. Here's the docs on installation, including a video - http://docs.blesta.com/display/user/Installing+Blesta
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