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Everything posted by Paul

  1. It's going to get even tougher once ARIN gets down to their last /8. They are expecting to be completely exhausted December next year. Other RIR's like RIPE are already on their last /8 and things are pretty tight there now. From what I recall, you can only get a /22 (nothing larger) at RIPE, and you must get IPv6 addresses also. http://www.potaroo.net/tools/ipv4/index.html has some interesting stats. I'm on ARIN's mailing list, and there are very interesting discussions happening. Now, if you want some IPv6 addresses, easy.. problem is IPv6 isn't going to be replacing IPv4 anytime soon (probably never).
  2. ARIN requires 80% utilization in order to request more resources, if you're getting IPs directly from them. ARIN (and other RIRs) have rules for ISPs in how they allocate resources to end users but these ISPs may have more strict requirements as they try to avoid from running out of IPv4 addresses. ISPs use customer IPv4 justification forms to justify their requests for more IPs from their RIR. They probably care about your allocations elsewhere to help justify your need. For example, if you have an aggregate of /22 across all companies you do business with and are requesting a /24, you're increasing your network size by 25%.. not a big deal. On the other hand, if you have in aggregate a /22 and request a /21.. they are likely to reject your request unless you have 80% utilization on that /22 and are planning to migrate everything to them and release those other allocations. Edit: So, telling them what you have elsewhere is likely to help you get more IPs from them.
  3. It's likely we will be adding more fraud check options in the future, but Maxmind is a really good option and we can even provide a link for a free Maxmind account. Open a ticket with us for the link. EDIT 2014/10/07: Regrettably, Maxmind has ended this program with no notice to us and we can no longer offer free MaxMind accounts.
  4. All our licenses use to be unbranded, and it actually caused more confusion. This is an area we have sort of "conformed" to, and it's actually interesting to see the split between branded and unbranded license sales. I think it's here to stay for the time being, and to be honest we could use the publicity for branded licenses.
  5. It sounds neat, but it would be terribly difficult. Often times staff members don't log out, they just go AFK. Knowing exactly what staff members are available when would be critical. Also, if a staff member is assigned a ticket, reassigning it to someone else that has no idea what was going on in the ticket could be a recipe for disaster.
  6. Maybe if enough people request it!
  7. To be honest, this will be in the manual soon. There's no reason people shouldn't know how to remove the branding especially if they have an unbranded license. Some people will remove it when they shouldn't, and if we find out about it then we'll have to enforce it, but I think most people will be honest about it. We're not going to make it difficult for people to do.
  8. I talked to Dan Ushman earlier this year and they would very much like for us to build a module for integration with Tandem. We just haven't got enough requests for it yet to dig into it too much. So, definitely something we'd like to do, but we have some other things to finish up on first.
  9. Your wiki suggestion raises a question, of which the answer may be obvious to some.. but I think it's important to discuss. What features do you see as a minimum requirement for a Blesta wiki based KB? How do you envision this looking & working in Blesta?
  10. We need to get more done on the documentation, as well as the countless video tutorials that I'm planning to do. Maybe we can link those up somehow. In any case, anything that helps people learn how to use Blesta would be free.
  11. Permissions for articles.. hmmm, good suggestion.
  12. I think it may work in Canada, would have to verify that though. We are going to implement Docsaway as another option, which has better international support as far as I know. We do have plans to add a delivery method fee that will allow you to cover costs for such delivery if you want to. I don't have an ETA on this yet.
  13. Paul

    Email Tag Not Working

    You can add the tag {% debug %} to the template to include debugging information. This will include a list of all tags available to the template.
  14. The KB is moving up our priority list, and is tentatively scheduled for version 3.2. I don't have an ETA yet, but 3.1 is in active development and we are aiming for a beta release by the end of this month.. we'll see how it goes.
  15. I have updated the ticket -- yes, we can take a look but will need login details. You can provide them in the ticket if you're willing.
  16. Check to make sure you have Mailparse - http://pecl.php.net/package/mailparse Also, don't use the pipe.php option, pipe to index.php instead as described here - http://docs.blesta.com/display/user/Support+Manager#SupportManager-EmailPiping
  17. It's actually simpler than that. Edit your Universal Module Product. Under "Service Options" scroll down to the form with "Notice" in it. For the "Add" option, add your email address in Post URL/Email. Expand the "Email Notification" section, and set the From Email, Subject and message. Use the {% debug %} tag in the message and run a test. It will spit out all the fields available to that template, which you can use to customize it.
  18. Paul

    Proxmox Module

    They should update their site to mention OpenVZ.. but I get the feeling they don't really care. http://memegenerator.net/instance/31615631
  19. Paul

    Proxmox Module

    The module supports both KVM and OpenVZ. You select the virtualization type when creating a package using the Proxmox module.
  20. Paul

    Proxmox Module

    It's possible yes, but probably not likely for your bootstrap conversion. We're planning to do this ourselves for 3.2 and it's likely we'll go a slightly different direction than you have.
  21. I remember talking to Cody about SolusVM mapping and it sounded challenging due to the differences in how they do things so we skipped over it initially. We'll be taking another look at this
  22. CORE-494 - Add client ability to reset password for cPanel, DirectAdmin, Interworx services.
  23. Curious if you're still seeing any issues with ticket assignments.
  24. We have to make a lot of assumptions if we start voiding invoices and cancelling services. To start, cancelling a service would be immediate and permanent. If you accidentally mark the client as inactive, you've done something potentially disastrous. If we void an invoice that had a partial payment, that difference is then returned as a credit. If we do none of this, but simply stop billing people with active services whos accounts are marked inactive or fraud, and the account becomes active again later -- those services will be back billed from the time the account was made inactive. So, the simplest, most straight forward way to handle it is to manually void and cancel. Marking the client inactive or fraud prevents them from logging in, and designates the account as such in the system. We want to leave you with control over how to handle any open invoices and active services.
  25. Any preference to where this would appear on an invoice? Toward the bottom, below all line items?
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