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Everything posted by Paul

  1. Actually.. multi-company uses the same installation, so they would be installed on the same box. You would point the docroot for each domain to the same place. You can request a dev license by opening a ticket. They are granted to anyone with an owned license.
  2. Cody or Tyson may be able to provide a more in-depth response, but have you taken a look at events?
  3. Hey guys, welcome!
  4. Certainly.
  5. Please post feature requests here. To comment on this one though, adding the ability to resend a welcome email or service activation email that there are no logs for, or that were never originally sent is something I'd like to do. It hasn't been heavily requested yet, so it's not very high on the priority list, but I think it's necessary.
  6. You have something ready to beta test? Surprised nobody has offered to help test.
  7. If you are trying to login to do a loginshare or something, you might want to check out events - http://docs.blesta.com/display/dev/Event+Handlers
  8. Are you planning to use it internally only, or distribute it as well?
  9. 20% is a huge discount, surely it would cost more to use Stripe vs PayPal if Stripe users get 20% off..?
  10. I doubt there will be time, but even if we release 3.1 without Multicraft, we can release Multicraft on the forums when it's ready. There are already going to be some other modules included with 3.1, so it wouldn't be exclusive anyway.
  11. I'm somewhat surprised how many requests we are starting to get for Multicraft. I think in order to do it right, we need to build it with native support for configurable options which are coming in 3.1. ie, select the number of slots from a drop down, or the data center location. Being able to charge more for a premium data center location, or a discounted rate for more slots is going to be important.
  12. We considered sending to Rack911 so they can follow through on confirming resolution, and so they can back us up in the event it's swept under the rug or dismissed. In this case, we've opted to trust they will do the right thing, even though they haven't in the past. And if they don't do the right thing, and silently fix the issues instead -- at least their customer base will be more secure as a result, which is the most important part. Either way, we've done our part.
  13. Paul

    Rasberry Pi?

    How does an internet gateway work with ham radio? I use to talk on 10/11 meter a long time ago. Still have the old RCI-2950
  14. It's a unique feature, XXXX Day/Week/Month/Year or One Time! Many options for those that don't like to conform to the basic 1/3/6/12/24/36 months.
  15. Paul

    Paypal Ipn Error?

    That looks like a whmcs callback URL, are these subscriptions? If so, you may need to cancel and reset them up. Blesta callback URL should look something like this.. /callback/gw/1/paypal_payments_standard/?client_id=xxxx
  16. That may be possible, language definitions work similarly. I'll discuss with the team.
  17. There's also a sample package email for cPanel in the manual here - http://docs.blesta.com/display/user/cPanel
  18. Paul

    Release 3.0.6

    The order-id is fetched automatically from logicboxes when you manually add the service (with the "Use Module" box unchecked)
  19. I updated the date in the thread title, I think you forgot? Aren't there some speed improvements with this one?
  20. I think the issue in your case is that the IP address for the server is a local IP and that the server is behind a NAT. We're looking at ways to address this issue in particular, but hosting the site on a public IP address and not behind a NAT should resolve the issue for now.
  21. Does the welcome email show up in the mail log in Blesta, and the mail log in Mandrill? If not, ensure that there are no tags in the welcome email that are invalid.
  22. I believe the plan is to allow custom client fields to be sorted, and various other fields to be sorted and removed as well. This could be used to set the requirement on a field as well, if not already (Custom client fields can be required).
  23. Look in your httpd.conf file for "AllowOverride", make sure it's set to All for the directory or vhost you have Blesta uploaded to. AllowOverride All Then restart Apache
  24. Make sure there's not a DNS issue on that server. The system tries to verify email addresses by checking for valid MX records. Make sure the server is using valid caching servers, and can perform DNS lookups reliably.
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