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Everything posted by Paul

  1. We chat in Discord about this, it appears that during installation the Order Manager plugin was not installed fully, it was missing some tables. The recommended solution was to re-install Blesta fresh and see if the Order Manager was installed correctly.
  2. You can create a Text Area field using the Universal Module, or as a Configurable Option (Packages > Configurable Options). The first service field in the Universal module serves as the label, so as long as you don't add it first the client will only see it during checkout. If you do it as a Configurable Option, then you can grant add or edit permissions, giving add but not edit means they can add the key but not edit it later.. however, they will always be able to see it.
  3. Here's the steps to reset the admin password in order of simplest to most involved: To reset the staff password visit /admin/login and click the "Reset My Password" link. Enter your username, and click the "Reset Password" button. You should get an email with a password reset link within a few minutes. If you don't get an email, ensure that your username is correct. In phpMyAdmin or other MySQL database utility, look in the users table. Your username should appear in the "username" column, typically where id equals 1, as the primary staff account is the first user to be created. If that still doesn't work, you will need to temporarily enable legacy passwords. Please see [encryption](http://docs.blesta.com/display/user/Configuration+Files#ConfigurationFiles-Encryption) in the user manual, specifically Blesta.auth_legacy_passwords and set it to true. Then, in the users table for your username, update the password field to: 5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99 Then, try logging in with your username and the password password. Reset your password. Then, change Blesta.auth_legacy_passwords back to false.
  4. I wonder if in the customize section of look and feel where you can preview the logo, it would be possible to add an option to scale the image to the desired size by clicking on the corner of the logo and dragging it.. might be something out there that could do that and provide the height that we could save.
  5. Please see https://dev.blesta.com/browse/CORE-4072
  6. If you click Show Card, enter your staff password.. does the credit card display? If so, are you then able to save after adjusting the postal code?
  7. Paul

    Support manager UI issue

    See https://dev.blesta.com/browse/CORE-4042
  8. The CLI version of your PHP does not have the ionCube extension loaded. What is the path to PHP as shown under Settings > System > Automation? You ran /usr/bin/php -v, so I assume it is /usr/bin/php? You can run this command then to see if ionCube is loaded. /usr/bin/php -i | grep ionCube If nothing is returned, then it's not loaded. /usr/bin/php -i | grep php.ini This will show the path to your php.ini, which is probably where you'd need to load ionCube. If /usr/bin/php is not the path to PHP as shown under Settings > System > Automation, then it's possible the path shown there may have ionCube installed. At least, it's Blesta best guess effort of determining where your PHP is.
  9. Per https://docs.blesta.com/display/user/Customizing+Emails you can add a filter. Use numberformat, e.g. {"12345.6789" | numberformat 2, ".", ","} Just replace "12345.6789" with the tag that represents the amount. It might be possible with a feature request that we could update the email tags to observe the currency precision as well, so the above wouldn't be necessary.
  10. Nothing automated, that would make a good feature request. We are planning to add additional client statuses per https://dev.blesta.com/browse/CORE-2222 which could include an automatic transition for clients who have no active services.
  11. I'm not totally sure I fully understand what you're asking. You can create an unlimited number of servers within a module. You can create an unlimited number of packages and services. Packages can be set to deploy on specific servers, or server groups. You can even create restricted packages and grant access to specific clients, which would grant access to a specific client to deploy on a specific server or servers. Hopefully I answered your question, if not, I may need more details
  12. Paul

    Support manager UI issue

    Did you clear your browser cache? That's the most likely culprit.
  13. Awesome! Let us know if it happens again without the forward. Thanks for the report also - will be on the watch for any other issues. Our DMARC policy is relatively new. We implemented it in part because we had security researchers opening tickets at least once or twice a week for the past year complaining that we had no DMARC policy. Was less work just to implement it, but these kinds of issues are why we were hesitant to do so.
  14. It sounds like this may be related to this ticket https://dev.blesta.com/browse/CORE-4017
  15. Per dmarcian: Google's DMARC report to us early this morning showed a forward to a domain starting with "fastcp...", don't know if that's you. If so, the mailgun DMARC probably did not survive the forward.
  16. I think it happens because of your forward, Google is then seen as the sender. Our forum email is sent through Mailgun, which validates DKIM and thus DMARC. It must become broken when forwarded. Google is not permitted in our SPF policy, and they might be stripping out the DKIM headers Mailgun adds.
  17. Since you didn't remove the language folders, I'm not sure why those other languages are not shown on that page with an "Install" link - they should be if the files are there.
  18. You got that when sending an email to us, or when we sent you an email? What was the email?
  19. I encountered another error, see https://dev.blesta.com/browse/CORE-4016
  20. Did you click the "Uninstall" link to remove the language? If so, did you then delete the language files afterward? The screenshot you shared did not show any other languages capable of being installed, so I assume the files were removed.
  21. I tested this module a bit myself and I found that I had to enter the long API Key shown under https://manage.test.opensrs.com/#!/account/API in both of the Key and HashKey fields in the module. I would also get a blank white page (error) until I opened port 55443 TCP egress at the firewall. (52443 for live) After submitting the order with "valid" name servers, I got an order to go through just fine in sandbox mode.
  22. This is ISPManager? A username cannot start with a number, if you are provisioning manually then you can choose another username to enter. However, if Blesta is unable to provision, it may make sense for us to update the username generator to create a username that meets the rules. Normally usernames are generated based on the domain name, but if the domain starts with numbers then we may have to use some random letters at the beginning.
  23. There is not a Blesta -> Blesta import. We would recommend resolving any issues with your install. You can start by re-uploading the same version of Blesta you are running to ensure all of the files are correct. If you are getting errors and missing core tables then you need to identify where this failure occurred and correct it. See https://docs.blesta.com/display/user/Upgrading+Blesta#UpgradingBlesta-FailedUpgrade/ErrorsAfterUpgrade for steps on that. You need to identify what version of the database you are running. If an upgrade failed, it would have failed while running a particular migration. Just follow the docs there. For plugin generated tables, the simple solution is to uninstall the plugin and re-install it. You will lose any data that the plugin is responsible for. You can also identify what is missing and correct that as well.
  24. Paul

    Upcoming renewals widget

    Is there a detailed request for this at https://requests.blesta.com? It's something we are not opposed to adding.
  25. Paul

    Error during Backup

    If you have SSH access, you can check if mysqldump exists and where it is by running: whereis mysqldump To make a manual database backup you can run: mysqldump -u USERNAME -p DATABASENAME -r DATABASENAME.sql I agree with Jono, most likely your system is missing mysqldump or it's not executable by your user.
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