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Everything posted by Paul

  1. Paul

    Whm Api Integration

    Ok, sorry I missed that. It looks like they are using a cPanel theme called VistaPanel. As far as I can tell, VistaPanel is just a theme, so not sure what else they have done that would require them to proxy the standard API, or block the JSON API. JSON is generally preferred over XML, and cPanel recommends it - http://docs.cpanel.net/twiki/bin/view/SoftwareDevelopmentKit/XmlApi It's probably in this hosting company's best interest to support the JSON API. Especially with the decline in companies that use WHMCS.
  2. Sounds promising, anything to look at yet? We want to publish a roadmap, but still have some work to do to make that happen. It's been in process for a while now.
  3. That's not bad at all. I always look at the time to recover the hardware cost.. a few months, ok.. but I've seen a lot of the Bitcoin mining hardware priced at 6 months or more. By then, it's pretty much obsolete. Too many people buying without thinking things through.
  4. Paul

    Whm Api Integration

    What hosting company is this?
  5. Since the support system is an extension, a feature that only benefits that extension should not be in the core. Perhaps an area, created by the support manager within the client area, in which clients can add additional email addresses for tickets would work in this case.
  6. Haven't looked into GoCoin at all yet, awesome that they work with both btc and ltc. What kind of hash rate are you suppose to get with the 290?
  7. If you're looking to have an extension developed, email Eric. We've talked with him, and taken a look at some of his work and you can't beat his pricing. He has real experience building extensions for Blesta and we feel comfortable recommending him.
  8. Are the other addresses required just to be able to open tickets, or should all addresses be emailed anytime the primary address is emailed? For example, would an invoice be emailed to all addresses, or only the primary? I think your request is pretty clear -- have the ability to add multiple email addresses like phone numbers. But, I think an email address would necessarily need to be able to be selected as the primary. Also, this is implemented in a way, with contacts. Billing contacts should all receive invoice emails for example. I'm not sure if email from non-primary contacts (anyone other than the account holder) are accepted for support tickets, so if tickets are the main concern, this may end up being a slightly different feature request.
  9. Make sure you have created an order form with these products on it under Packages > Order Forms. Then, on the settings tab there, make sure the order form is selected as the "default". The default order form is the one that will appear when clicking through from the portal.
  10. Good to hear! Nice work CubicWebs!
  11. Blesta does support drop in invoice templates. If you have a mockup of what you want invoices to look like, send a copy to sales and we can quote you on it.
  12. It sounds like coinbase is a hosted bitcoin wallet. It's like keeping your money in the bank, except that bitcoins are not insured, and hackers have breached and stolen a lot of bitcoins in the past. I'd be cautious, and suggest that you don't store too many coins in an online wallet.
  13. http://www.idera.com/productssolutions/serverbackup/serverbackupserviceproviders They do have a free trial. We use R1Soft pretty extensively. They have had their issues, but they have worked most of them out and it's generally a pretty good product. The API doc page doesn't seem to show much functionality. I've thought in the past about creating a plugin widget for Blesta, that I could install on my dashboard to show me the status of all servers being backed up, and whether any backups have failed.. but I have no idea if that information is available through their API. Last I checked, their API docs were pretty terrible.
  14. Thanks for the contribution! If it is complete, it should probably be listed in the new Marketplace forum here - http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/forum/28-the-marketplace/ I can move the thread if you prefer.
  15. What's your ticket #?
  16. These don't sound terribly difficult, and all these changes could likely be implemented pretty easily within the invoice with the exception of forcing a requirement on the VAT. That would take a little more work, but not much. Is there an official document that describes these rules? If so, would you mind pointing us in the right direction?
  17. I think he means a single user/pass to login to a different account across multiple companies. For example, you have Company A and Company B. Client can use the same credentials to login to each. We've considered this scenario, and it probably wouldn't be too much work but it hasn't been heavily requested. Essentially, we would have to ask the customer what account they want to access upon login if the user had access to more than one account.
  18. This forum was created to serve as a place to find extensions that don't ship with Blesta. Typically, these are 3rd party extensions and this forum is a place to list your extensions. Ultimately The Marketplace will replace this thread, however it's not available yet. Ok, here are the rules: Please start 1 new thread per-extension with the name of your extension. Only start a thread if you created the extension. Feel free to include specifics about the extension, including information, screenshots, and a link to your website where it can be purchased or downloaded. NOTE! If there is an extension missing from this forum, feel free to PM me and I'll try to contact the author to get them to list it here, or I'll list it myself with information that is publicly available.
  19. That looks great! Is this latest version available for download here still? http://www2.noc-ps.com/docs/blesta-module-installation/
  20. Paul

    Upgrading Client

    Mike is right. Packages that are in the same group will appear for upgrades/downgrades.
  21. Paul

    Powered By Blesta

    A link to a non-secure page should not affect your SSL because it's not a resource. Links to CSS files, javascript, images, are resources and will need to use https, or a schemeless format "//path/to/resource", but not hyperlinks. If your browser isn't showing the lock icon, it's because of a different resource.
  22. Paul

    Ioncube Issue

    Yeah, they are slow unfortunately. Blesta runs perfectly fine on PHP 5.5 in our tests, but that's in our dev environment unencoded.
  23. You can use a calculator like this to determine roughly how long it will take for the device to pay for itself. http://www.alloscomp.com/bitcoin/calculator
  24. 1.6Gh/s is not enough. You will need something like this - http://www.butterflylabs.com/monarch/ which does 600Gh/s if you are serious about mining. ASICs for SHA256 have become very efficient, and when this starts shipping (very soon), the difficulty curve will make those 1.6Gh/s ASICs virtually useless. Good news on Tigerdirect! EDIT: I think I found the 1.6Gh/s miner you're talking about. People get USB extenders and run dozens of these on the same computer. Still, they may not be worth the $60 unless you can mine enough to buy something better, and resell them on ebay.
  25. Paul

    Pending Orders

    We will be adding a simple cancel/remove option to orders that should not be accepted, and which do not qualify as fraud. This belongs to CORE-998.
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