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Everything posted by Paul

  1. Paul

    Release 3.1.1

    We have more to do on this in the future, see CORE-1041
  2. Paul

    Cron Job

    This is because register_argc_argv is disabled in your php.ini file for CLI. See http://us1.php.net/manual/en/ini.core.php#ini.register-argc-argv If you enable it, I believe it will correct this issue.
  3. Paul

    Release 3.1.1

    Yeah, patch just refers to the incremental release. You still want to overwrite your files and run /admin/upgrade in your browser.
  4. Wow, that sounds like you've got that dialed in pretty well. 870Kh/s is fantastic. I haven't heard of sgminer before, how do you like it? The older version of cgminer I've been running (3.7.2) seems to be pretty stable, rarely crashes.
  5. Paul

    Hosting Providers?

    I'll second site5, uk2 brands (more virtual/dedicated), webhostingbuzz. Of course, there are a lot of hosting companies around the forums here too. Look up some reviews before you make a decision, and be sure to ask them if they support Blesta!
  6. Before we make any feature changes to the coupon system, we need to refactor it. This is assigned to CORE-171. After we get this done, we'll be open to making feature changes.
  7. It's currently assigned to 3.2, but it's one of those that depends on how much time we have left after we get the more critical items done. It may be pushed back, but I'd love to see it in here, so we'll see!
  8. The only other thing you should do before logging into the new server is to re-issue your license. You can do this in the client area by clicking the "Manage" link next to your license, then Manage License, then check and save the re-issue option. It would also be a good idea to make sure the new server is configured to meet the minimum requirements. http://docs.blesta.com/display/user/Requirements
  9. We're planning to add new invoice templates, and I'd like to include a version that displays all payments recorded for the invoice. I don't believe we have a task assigned for this yet, though.
  10. Just an update on this, based on the ticket it appeared that IMAP worked when running the cron manually. I don't know if it's an issue with the cron running automatically or not -- if so.. if it works when running the cron manually but not automatically, it is very likely that mailparse is not available via CLI, but is available to the web server.
  11. Try enabling error reporting and see if that white page turns into an error message. To enable error reporting, edit /config/blesta.php and change Configure::errorReporting(0); to Configure::errorReporting(-1);
  12. You're missing PDO support from your PHP build. PDO is required.
  13. Sounds like you may need to raise the upload_max_filesize setting in your php.ini to increase the allowed upload size.
  14. The most common mistake is not selecting the proper thing under "Security", or having the wrong port. Please take a look at http://www.arclab.com/en/amlc/list-of-smtp-and-pop3-servers-mailserver-list.html They have a good resource for what ports should be used for what security type (TLS/SSL/None), which may help.
  15. What issues are you having with SolusVM KVM?
  16. Paul

    Packages Not Displaying

    Are the packages assigned to that group active? What module are they using? A screenshot of your order form configuration, and package configuration may help.
  17. In a future release, we're going to have the upgrade process attempt to update any extensions that need to be also. This should cut down on this.. but for now, it's a good idea to check all plugins, gateways, and modules to see if they need to be upgraded.
  18. Caching is key
  19. The bootstrap conversion does make it much easier to customize Blesta, largely by editing styles or markup within the templates. These changes don't "stick" through upgrades though. This makes it easier for theme developers to create new template packs for Blesta though, and you'd be able to simple upload the template pack, and select it from Blesta for the company. This means your client area can work from a different template set for different companies. We have plans to add options for modifying the header/footer that will persist through upgrades also -- not sure if it will make it into 3.2 or not at this point. This will be useful for embedding google analytics, or other, visual changes that stay when you upgrade. The CMS plugin, that is in charge of the portal will be expanded, making it easier to customize the portal, and eventually, build out an entire website.
  20. We built it with the idea to support contact logins, but the code is not complete. We have to design & implement contact ACLs.
  21. CORE-627, tentatively assigned to 3.2 but it's not guaranteed to be in 3.2
  22. We don't have any plans to be there, though it's not far from us. (45 minute drive)
  23. Yup, added in 3.1. [CORE-503] - Module: cPanel - when creating new accounts include an email address
  24. I'm pretty sure we'll be implementing a feature to prevent invoices from being modified at all -- as a setting. Without the setting, I sort of agree. I find myself having to make adjustments to the due date, usually to give the customer more time to pay because we worked out a special arrangement. It's a lot simpler to change the renew date only, than to unapply credits. Especially since you cannot manually reapply those credits yet. (You will be able to in a future release)
  25. Paul

    Whm Api Integration

    That's good news! Keep us updated, if you don't mind. The alternative would be to suggest a different hosting provider. Ones that don't stay on top of things might be vulnerable to attack. For example, there are lots of hosting companies still running vulnerable copies of WHM**, hopefully they are not one of them. I certainly wouldn't trust my information with them otherwise.
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