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Everything posted by Paul

  1. Paul

    Generate Password

    While it's impossible to know the password, it's not entirely useless. I use the generate password option when creating new accounts manually and send a link to the password reset page so they can request a new password. In a sense, nobody knows the original password and the account is secure until the user resets it.
  2. No. When we made the roadmap public all tasks by default were made private. As we move forward, most tasks will be changed to public or created as public. Even so, there will be tasks that remain private. Just because it doesn't show up at dev.blesta.com doesn't mean it's not in there. OpenSRS belongs to CORE-387. OpenSRS was originally going to be the first module with reliance/integration with our planned domain registrar plugin, CORE-818. However, the plugin is going to take some time to complete and the demand for OpenSRS caused us to rethink this. It will be released prior to the plugin, and work similarly to all the other domain registrar plugins that ship with Blesta.
  3. Paul

    Generate Password

    It looks like this is tentatively assigned to version 3.3, and part of CORE-552. It's unlikely we would email a client their password due to security reasons, although when a new account is created the password can already be sent in the client registration email. We don't send passwords in these emails ourselves, and recommend against it. It's better if they request/receive a password reset email and choose a new password in cases where they do not create their account.
  4. There's currently no importer available, but if you don't have a large number of clients in bb, you should be able to recreate them in Blesta and add their cPanel accounts through the Add Service option on their client profile pages. Just uncheck the "use module" option, so that it does not attempt to create the accounts again on your cPanel server.
  5. Oh, just to add.. this pretty much will not affect 3rd party extensions, only those that ship with Blesta. The upgrader is not going to go to the marketplace and download extensions in order to upgrade them. That will still need to be done manually for the time being, and with a click in the future once the marketplace is up and running if the extension is available on the marketplace.
  6. I dunno, good question. Now's a good time to voice your concerns. Cody can elaborate more on what we were planning, I see there's not too much in way of specs in project management. I do know that it was something that was going to be difficult to do originally, and that's why it isn't in there already.. but it sounded like he pretty much has it figured out now.
  7. Yep, the idea is to make it an automatic part of the standard upgrade process.
  8. Blesta doesn't use HTML syntax to render PDFs and I've never seen it take 15 seconds. It it instant for me. Do you have a logo or background image uploaded for your PDFs? If so, remove them and see if it speeds it up any. If it does make a difference, you could try optimizing the images, and adding them back in to see if that makes a difference. Also, make sure you have the GD library if using images in the PDF -- TCPDF sometimes tries to call GD to manipulate images.
  9. This is more a function of proration than package term. Nobody wants to get an invoice every hour. I think the way this would work is that you'd enter the hourly price in the package, after hourly billing is enabled through some option there. You'd still have a term of say 1 month, and the customer would be charged hourly rate * 24 * 30 for the month. If they cancel early, a prorata credit refund of the remaining hours could be made. EDIT: Alternatively, we do nothing different in the configuration, other than to display the pricing on the order form as hourly. So, you'd save the price for the full term, and it would be converted to show the hourly price during checkout. I always thought this was a bit of a marketing strategy. 25 cents an hour sounds a lot better than $180/mo.
  10. There's no automated way to do so, no. It would be a matter of updating the service to use the correct module row for the new module, and adding all the service meta fields that the new module expects.. and maybe something else I'm not thinking of at the moment. Basically, it's not supported, but you can give it a try at your own risk. We will be adding more cPanel Extended like features to the current cPanel module. We converted the client views for cPanel Extended to bootstrap for 3.2, so that module will work with 3.2.. but it also smooths out the views necessary for us to update our original cPanel module with these features more easily.
  11. Would you say that you can create a package with a monthly term, edit it, add the one time, and remove the monthly to get past this issue? If so, that may be the way around it until we get a fix out.
  12. Thanks for the report, not sure what's going on there. I've assigned this to CORE-1056 and we'll be taking a look at it shortly.
  13. Settings > Company > General: Timezone. Ensure your timezone is set properly here. All dates & times are stored in the database as UTC, and displayed in the timezone selected.
  14. Probably a good idea
  15. CORE-1049, not completed yet. You can track progress through that link though.
  16. I've added this to CORE-1055, tentatively set for 3.2
  17. It's tentatively assigned to version 3.2, but it's not complete. This is one of those we hope to get into the next release, but it all depends on how quickly we can wrap up the must haves. It may be bumped to 3.3.
  18. This belongs to CORE-547 and is tentatively scheduled for 3.2. It's not complete yet, and is not guaranteed to be in this release.. but because it's client related, and the theme for 3.2 is "client area" I'd like to see it.
  19. Yeah, we finally got our project management system public so people can follow progress, view the roadmap. By default, all items are private, and we've been slowly opening them up as we work on them. Will probably make an official announcement next week, sort of rolled it out silently.
  20. Consider this: You're typing something, and then you want to enter the predefined response. It appears as the end of what you're typing. Perfect. But it has no idea where your response ends, and where your signature begins. Either we have to enter the predefined response at the beginning of the reply, or the end. I'm sure a case could be made for both methods.
  21. It's actually CORE-828. Not completed yet for 3.2, but if all goes according to plan it will be in there. A related task, CORE-961 allows for the selection of an entirely different set of templates for the client area. The main benefit here is that different companies can have vastly different and customized client templates.
  22. CORE-828
  23. I think all these pre-release licenses are going to start drying up and the resale market is going to go up.
  24. Your rig is looking good! I need to ask my wife re: electricity costs. I know we pay somewhere between $50-$80/mo on average at home, but I'm not sure how that breaks down to KW/h.
  25. Paul


    The difference is Package Groups vs Package Option Groups. The video CubicWebs linked is a good one to watch for a basic understanding of Package Options. Package Groups contain 1 or more Packages Package Option Groups contain 1 or more Options On order forms, Package Groups are displayed like categories, with their member packages within them. When configuring a package to order during check out, package options will be requested, and ordered similarly within their package option groups. I hope this makes sense, and thanks for bearing with us. Our documentation can definitely use some help, we're updating it as we can and hope to be caught up soon.
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