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Everything posted by Paul

  1. Make sure your staff member is assigned to the department. Under Support > Staff, edit your staff member and scroll to the bottom. The department should be on the left under "Assigned Departments".
  2. Paul

    Windows Flat Ui

    MSIE is a royal pain in the butt for all web developers. I think we've learned to despise it. Make something that looks sweet in Safari, Chrome, Firefox,.. open IE and cry.
  3. When you updated, did you run /admin/upgrade and go to Settings > Company > Modules, Gateways, Plugins and check that all plugins were updated to the latest versions? When you run the cron manually, on 3.1.3 in the middle of the day, are there any errors? Settings > System > Automation: Run Cron Manually.
  4. Settings > Company > Billing/Payment: Accepted Payment Types. Uncheck Credit Card and Automated Clearing House. The clients will no longer be able to create payment accounts.
  5. I don't know what Mike discussed with the OP, but it sounds as if you deleted the module row / server that the package is set to use. You should edit the package, and make sure that the correct server is selected, save and retry.
  6. Packages can be sorted within their Package Groups. Under Packages > Groups, click to expand the group, then drag and drop the packages within it in the order you prefer. The same can be done for configurable options under Packages > Options.
  7. Paul

    Feed Reader

    CORE-1123, thanks for the report!
  8. There is a task for price override, per CORE-747.
  9. Paul

    Credit Note?

    I've added a note to take a look at credit notes for the proforma task.
  10. Beta should be this month, we are getting very close. Finishing some major order form improvements and then beta will start.
  11. If you have them set up as addons, they should belong to an addon package group, assigned to a parent group that has your noc-ps packages as members. This would cause the IP packages to be available addons during order for clients, and staff through the client profile add service option. Though, it might be better to use configurable options introduced in 3.1 for IPs instead.. it fits better than an addon. Additionally, if the noc-ps module expects the configurable option field name you create for it, noc-ps could provision the server with the additional IPs automatically.
  12. Addons that renew at the same time as their parent services, appear on the same invoice with them. Can you tell me more about the noc-ps module and how it automates things? I guess I don't understand the issue.
  13. Is HUF currency selected for the gateway? Under Settings > Payment Gateways > PayPal Payments Standard, are all currencies selected that you wish to accept payments in?
  14. It's just friendly little signals that give them pause for a little while, so they can remember that they owe you money. Have you installed the plugin yet? Give it a spin.
  15. Your resellers should probably be using their own billing system. You bill them, they bill their customers. (You can resell them Blesta) If you will be billing them, and these are more of a referral then the way you're doing it may be fine. You can get BCC notices (bcc emails) of invoices, or payment reminders for customers and follow up with them. These can be set under the "My Info" link at the top, under the "Notices" tab. Not all notices may be available here, and if not you can add them under Settings > System > Staff > Staff Groups by editing your staff group and granting access to the additional notices. In terms of getting manually billed customers into Blesta, you should add the customer first (If they have no email, use an email you set up for these) and then use the Add Service option in the Actions box on the client profile to add the service. You can change the renew date after you add the service to sync it up with their current billing cycle. If you have any specific questions about getting them in there, please ask!
  16. 3.2 should make it a lot easier to integrate new designs
  17. Parallel Payment Optimizer, or “Parallel” for short is a revolutionary new way to increase revenue and lower customer attrition. Parallel is a free plugin for Blesta. How does it do it? Parallel utilizes a global cloud of specialized helper bots to send friendly little signals to nonpaying customers. These signals softly nudge your customers into logging in and making payment where other methods of collection typically fail. We're already working on ideas for the next revision of the plugin. One idea is to automate the parallel process by identifying nonpaying customers automatically. Watch the video and download the plugin from the original blog post at http://www.blesta.com/2014/03/31/parallel-payment-optimizer-video-free-plugin/, then come back here and tell us what you think.
  18. CORE-639 does add support for percentage discounts on client groups. This would allow you to apply a discount of say 10%, etc for all packages the clients within that group purchase. I don't have an ETA on this yet, but if it's not in 3.2, probably 3.3. The best workaround for now is to create restricted packages that have the discounted pricing. Then use "set packages" for the client to allow them access to the restricted package.
  19. Not a bad idea! Nice work!
  20. Most people are running older versions of the Ioncube loaders, and PHP 5.5 supported builds of Blesta are not backwards compatible with these legacy loaders. Additionally, Blesta must be encoded for PHP 5.3 or 5.4 support in order to work with PHP 5.5, per this thread on Ioncube's forums, quoted below -- But, the minimum requirement for Blesta is PHP 5.1.3, so we have been releasing builds that are compatible for the majority (PHP 5.1.3 through 5.4.x), but not compatible with PHP 5.5. Adoption rates for PHP 5.5 are increasing, and we recognize the need to support it. At this time, due to Ioncube's limitations, we would be required to have 2 separate builds in order to support PHP 5.1.3-5.4.x and PHP 5.5. We are releasing this hotfix to allow PHP 5.5 support for Blesta 3.1.3. The zip contains only the 3 files we encode, to protect licensing. If you are not running Blesta 3.1.3 DO NOT apply the hotfix. blesta-3.1.3-php-5.5-hotfix.zip If you are doing a fresh install, first download blesta-3.1.3.zip and overwrite the files in 3.1.3 from the hotfix above before attempting the installation. If you are planning to upgrade your existing server to PHP 5.5 and have Blesta 3.1.3 installed, overwrite the files in the hotfix above after you upgrade your PHP.
  21. Services that renew on the same day, and are hence billed on the same day, automatically appear on the same invoice. In the case of adding multiple services as an admin to a client account, you have the option when adding the service under "Invoice Method" to add the line item to an existing invoice, if there are any open invoices. If there are no open invoices you can choose to create an invoice, or not create an invoice when adding the service. So for the 1st service, I'd select "Create Invoice", the default option. Then, on subsequent services you may choose to add it to this existing invoice.
  22. I'm planning to release a hotfix for 3.1.3 tomorrow for PHP 5.5 support.
  23. Paul

    Release 3.1.3

    Remind me, which module are you waiting on?
  24. Paul

    Release 3.1.3

    Haha, I think so! To be honest, I'm ready for it too.
  25. Paul

    Release 3.1.3

    This is a bug fix release, the next feature release is 3.2.0 which is nearing beta.
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