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Everything posted by Paul

  1. Paul

    Release 3.2.0-B1

    Did you take a look at the ticket system changes we made?
  2. It should be in 3.3 which is invoice/payment related in theme.
  3. That's the way to do it for getting BCC's on any system emails. Also check out Billing > Overview, click the cog/gear icon for the orders widget. Here you can set your email and mobile email notification preferences for new orders.
  4. Paul


    It's 2087 secure, and 2086 no ssl. You shouldn't use 2083, as that's for cPanel not WHM. If it's still not working, check your firewall. If it's still not working.. Can you post a screenshot of your module configuration, or PM it to me? You can mask the API key.
  5. You use Interworx though, I think I heard Interworx uses LFD out of the box, is that right? I imagine you can install CSF on there if you want, but there's no integration into Interworx.
  6. If all goes well, that will probably be tomorrow afternoon.
  7. CORE-647, already part of 3.2. You can test it out in the beta. This applies to addon services only, not configurable options. Manage service, click Addons (Only exist if there are addons for this package group), then "Add Addon" button. It takes the client through the process of creating the addon, and to payment. The addon is "pending" until payment is made, and then the cron will activate it.
  8. The domain plugin belongs to CORE-818. I've added a note to the task regarding domain privacy. The plugin would likely give the client the ability to disable and re-enable privacy protection as is often necessary (when purchasing an SSL certificate that requires verification for example). The price and ability to purchase the privacy protection would likely be set up through a configurable option, and the module / plugin would provision it automatically.
  9. I'm hoping Cody can get back to OpenSRS after we get 3.2 out there. It's always all hands on deck leading up to a new release. I'll be fully spec'ing out the affiliate system plugin soon so it can move on to development.
  10. Modules can add additional management features on that page, but not all do. If you want to see some specific features for Interworx, please start a thread in the Feature Requests section with details. We are planning to add some extended features to Interworx, but your feedback and specifics on what features you'd like to see will help drive development.
  11. Happy Easter!
  12. I made a note regarding invoices being changed in the task when I created it, and it's something we will consider. However, I think proforma invoices once implemented (In CORE-497) will solve any concerns about invoice amounts & payments changing after they are created. If proforma is enabled, a proforma invoice will be issued. Paying the proforma invoice will generate and pay a typical invoice. Combined with CORE-923, you can be pretty sure invoices will not change at all once they are created.
  13. Yes, soon. You will have time to integrate your design before final release. lol, I would be ok with that too, unfortunately the office is empty. It's looking like Wednesday-ish. We're going to take Monday & Tuesday to polish some things up and finish some small remaining tasks. If nothing big comes up then we should stay on target for a mid-week beta release.
  14. bootstrap slider for jQuery is used. http://www.eyecon.ro/bootstrap-slider/
  15. I've assigned this to CORE-1149 so we can take a closer look. I did notice that for Italy they were not listed alphabetically. There might be a reason for this, or they might just simply not be sorted by name.
  16. Yep, you can link directly to a specific item on the order form. Mike's right, it will just make the item pre-selected on the order form though, at least for the ajax one. I have to check, but for the wizard type, you may be able to link to the 2nd page where you configure a specific item. If so, this would bypass the package selector and go straight to configuration which may be preferable. The new "default" order template in 3.2 will be Wizard Boxes, I think it's likely to be the most used order form.
  17. Can you provide an example/screenshot? The states appear to be ordered alphabetically to me.
  18. I have assigned this to CORE-1148
  19. Paul

    Email All Clients

    Not yet. A mass mailer plugin is planned as part of CORE-621. There's a good chance it will be included with version 3.3.
  20. There must be an error someplace, try the following -- Turn on error reporting. To enable error reporting, edit /config/blesta.php and change Configure::errorReporting(0); to Configure::errorReporting(-1); Then open /plugins/import_managers/components/migrators/blesta/2.5/blesta2_5.php and change (lines 199-201 Note! Line #'s may be a little different): //echo $e->getMessage(); //echo $e->getTraceAsString(); //continue; to: echo $e->getMessage(); echo $e->getTraceAsString(); die; And then let us know if you get any errors. There may be something that's hanging these up from being imported that's different than anything we've encountered yet. Knowing why the import failed will help determine the fix.
  21. If no logo is specified for the client theme, it defaults to the Blesta logo. It automatically detects the background color and chooses the white logo, or the color logo for the proper contrast.
  22. Since you asked, here's how the ajax boxes order page looks with a few different client themes. The purple theme is a new theme shipping with 3.2 called "Booty" as it's based on the Bootstrap 3 color scheme from the Bootstrap website.
  23. The screenshot showing the boxes have a blue heading, I believe this is inherited from the panel color set for the client area. The slider version doesn't utilize any real color. Both have a header, and the header colors are part of the client theme which can be changed.
  24. The wizard boxes and slider look identical to the ajax version, but the flow of the order form is multi-step. Additional designs will follow over time, at least initially with package selection. Here we have a slider and boxes design for package selection. We are likely to implement additional sliders and boxes that vary in look & feel and introduce other types like a vertical listing of packages for selection. The implementation of new bootstrap based order templates makes it not only easier for us to move forward with new designs, but it makes it easier for others to customize the look on their own.
  25. It's looking like the beta will be starting next week as we have a few things left to do to wrap up 3.2. If you're a direct customer, you will be able to participate in the beta as soon as it starts. 3.2 will have a total of 5 order templates you can select from, including. - Standard (The order form shipped with Blesta 3.0-3.1, converted to Bootstrap) - Ajax Boxes - Ajax Slider - Wizard Boxes - Wizard Slider The new ajax order forms are essentially a one-page order form (for the most part) and come in two package selection options, boxes and a slider. The new wizard order forms are essentially the ajax order form as a multi-step, and it support both the boxes and slider package selection options. The overall designs are basically the same. Here's a screenshot of the ajax boxes, and ajax slider order forms. We look forward to your feedback, especially during the beta. We want these new order forms not only to look great, but to work great too. IP Board scaled down the full size screenshots for some reason, so they appear a little blurry. They are smaller than the maximum size allowed, so not sure why it's doing that.
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