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Everything posted by Paul

  1. They don't "override" the price so much as alter it. The package has a base price, configurable options, if selected can add to that price. For example: Package A $10 Dedicated IP Address + $3 Extra Disk + $20 Extra RAM + $10 Total $43/mo
  2. A configurable option cannot result in another package being ordered. What you should do is add Package B to an Addon Package Group who's parent Package Group contains Package A. Then, during checkout, users can select it as an Addon.
  3. Not sure exactly what you're asking -- configurable options can be added to any package, and can alter the price of the package. But, the Multicraft module actually uses those configurable options to provision Minecraft servers. For example, a configurable option for a Dedicated IP address (which may cost say $3/mo extra), if selected the Minecraft server will be provisioned with the extra IP. It's possible I'm way off and just don't understand your question, so feel free to clarify
  4. Good to hear, thanks for the update! Glad it's working.
  5. My guess is that 3.2.1 will be released sometime next week, though there's no official release date.
  6. Should have more information pretty soon.
  7. Tyson did a good job on this. Here's a video for anyone that hasn't seen the blog - http://www.blesta.com/2014/06/03/new-module-multicraft/ This is the first official module that makes use of configurable options for altering provisioning.
  8. Yes, please submit a feature request here for that - http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/forum/11-feature-requests/ Please follow the guidelines posted at http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/1008-requesting-a-feature-please-read-before-posting/.
  9. You're saying the overdue balance includes all past due invoices, including those with partial payments but sums the total of the invoices rather than the amount remaining on them? Can anyone else confirm? We'll look into it.
  10. For the invalid node or group error, it appears the default "node group" in SolusVM does not work. You should create a new node group, and assign your nodes to it, then select the new node group for each of your packages in Blesta.
  11. Paul

    Blesta 2.5

    It looks like Blesta 2.5, but sooo much better
  12. It's becoming more and more important that we get The Marketplace finished up. Being able to install and upgrade extensions directly from Blesta, as well as browsing all extensions from inside Blesta or the marketplace website will make things easy. It will also have rating and review options.
  13. I don't see how it's possible that they would receive suspension notices if their invoices are all paid up. The query that determines who gets suspension notices depends primarily on the fact that they haven't paid their invoice. Is it possible that client is using the same email address under another account, that has past due invoices?
  14. In v2 it sort of worked, but the issue was more to do with invoicing 30 days in advance when some months have less than 30 days. It's why by default v2 invoiced 26 days in advance. In v3, the way everything is calculated has been greatly improved, and you should have no problem switching your "Invoice Days Before Renewal" setting from 14 to 30, or anything else. The only issue you'll find is that if someone orders a monthly service, they'll be invoiced again for the 2nd month pretty much right away -- since it's 30 days in advance. That's how it's expected to work, but depending on what you're selling, some customers may think they are being double billed. Just something to keep in mind.
  15. You are required to do PCI scans because card data touches the server, even though it is not stored. The proposed stripe.js implementation passes the card details directly to Stripe so they don't technically go through your server. In that case, you wouldn't have to do the scans at the moment. We have not implemented the stripe.js method yet. Since your server renders the markup, I believe even stripe.js implementations will be required to do PCI scans in the future. It's a sort of loophole that I expect they will close before long. (If your server was compromised, an attacker could alter the javascript and intercept the card details anyway) So, short answer. Yes, you should do PCI scans
  16. Please note! We have extended the contest to June 22nd. Not everyone has had a chance to upgrade to Blesta 3.2 yet, and we need more entries. Tell your friends!
  17. No worries, if I set it up that way intentionally I forgot my reasoning.. so might as well be open!
  18. Not before the contest ends, the soonest would be 3.3 which is currently in development.
  19. I didn't even realize it was closed to public access -- I have opened it up so everyone can view threads in the forum.
  20. The task can hang for a lot of reasons. One reason might be there is a message that's too large, and not enough memory can be allocated in PHP to process it. Or, it's unable to connect to the mail server, or the mail server times out. The "hacks" referenced seem to simply clear out the task quickly -- but the system will do so automatically after 6 hours as intended. The real fix depends on why the process is hanging or crashing. Your server's PHP error log file may have evidence for this, and the fix could be increasing the timeout or memory limit, or something may be able to be done in the code, but it's impossible to know without the error. We actually use IMAP for our ticket system, and I haven't come across this issue at all yet.
  21. I think sliders that look like nodes are pretty popular, see this screenshot from vps.net - http://i34.tinypic.com/21kilia.jpg This may not be considered "Clean", unless you create a generic looking one that's easy on colors. Usually better that way anyway, because people can always tweak colors to customize. Popular with VPS servers especially, as well as game servers.
  22. There will be a box to enter custom CSS in the future, which can be used to overwrite any styles.
  23. This does seem like a very nice service, push notifications would be great. How it should be implemented is another question. Ultimately, any new types of notification methods should likely be modular and tied into the core. Then, if pushover is available (or another method), they would be available to plugins to use if they like -- such as the order plugin, or support plugin. The plugins would then add options for notifications through pushover. A little involved, but probably the best way to do it. Thoughts?
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