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Everything posted by Paul

  1. See CORE-1396
  2. Looks great, awesome work! Very useful plugin.
  3. I dunno about the colors (probably wouldn't use red for upgrade/downgrade) but I like it. Can we get any +1's here on the additional 2 buttons on the info page, for upgrade/dowgrades and change term?
  4. a HUGE plus one, Bill.
  5. If we keep the modal, my suggestion is to add a button next to the status button on the information page. I prefer this over the left nav also, because it leaves more real estate for modules to create additional management pages.
  6. Right now the options are in a modal, if we move it to the left nav, it would make more sense not to use a modal. More feedback please?
  7. If it were listed this way, then they could only use the credit if it covered the balance in full. The way we implemented it, with a checkbox is similar to the way Amazon.com allows you to apply gift card balances. CORE-1394 for the OPs request
  8. I have noticed similar behavior on occasion and I wonder if there is a bug with the slider javascript.
  9. If the option doesn't appear for you, make sure "Allow Clients to Change Service Terms" and "Allow Clients to Change Service Package" are checked under Settings > Company > Billing/Payment > Invoice and Charge Options. I have been thinking about the upgrade/downgrade options being in that drop down, it may be better as its own button. Anyone care to mock something up and post a screenshot?
  10. I thought I tested this such that if the credit is enough to cover the invoice entirely that a separate payment method did not need to be selected. I guess this is not the case? Having automatic application of loose credits checked would mean that the credit option would rarely, if ever appear to a client paying an existing invoice. More often, they may have credits but no open invoices, and can use the credits to apply towards new orders. The setting is useful both enabled or disabled in different circumstances.
  11. Paul

    Release 3.3.0-B1

    So is everything fine?
  12. Paul

    Release 3.3.0-B1

    Try again. I checked and your license was originally a reseller license (why it didn't show up), but you do have a dev license. I granted access to dev licenses, so you should see it now.
  13. In the settings table, search for the key root_web_dir, and update the value column. It should begin and end with a forward slash, ie /home/user/public_html/
  14. +Bacon is correct, too bad it was applied to the same feature request.
  15. The secret phrase to guarantee task creation for a feature request is much like TOTP. It changes frequently and cannot be used again. Failure to guess correctly causes the feature request to be ignored for a random amount of time between 5 seconds and 37,000 years.
  16. Well, since naja7host had 3 plus one's in there.. CORE-1387
  17. Paul

    Backups Not Running

    Does your cron user have SSH access? You can try to SSH in as that user, and see if you can execute mysqldump. If it's not executable by your user, that would prevent it from being able to create a backup.
  18. It's not available yet, but I'm in the process of spec'ing it out, and we'll be starting development soon. The goal is to have it included in 3.4, and possibly release it as a beta prior to 3.4 beta but it will depend on how quickly it comes together, and if we run into any issues.
  19. Paul

    Backups Not Running

    If logs are not clearing (You mean log rotation?), then I wonder if there is something wrong with your cron. If you go to Settings > Company > Automation, and look at the times tasks are running, do they appear to be running regularly and on time? Does running the manual backup still not work? If not, have you checked that your temp directory is writable by your web server? Some people may need to move their temp directory to within their website, typically just above the docroot. For example, the default temp directory is /tmp/, but you may need to move it under your account, ie something like /home/user/temp/. You can update this under Settings > System > General
  20. For ticket auto-replies, do you mean the initial ticket received email? You can currently set an auto-close ticket response per department, but not the initial auto reply. One thing we're planning is CORE-1358 which allows for custom email templates to be created. It may be possible then, after that, or in conjunction with that, to allow the selection of different templates in different areas of Blesta.. including auto-replies and separate templates per department. So, this suggestion may fit well with that task, and be dependent on it.
  21. Can you take a look under Settings > System > Basic Setup for "Root Web Directory". Is this path correct, ie, does it include the full server path to, and including your billing sub-directory? When Blesta runs via the cron, it can't tell what the URL is, and it relies on this setting to determine the path. At least, that's what it's suppose to be doing.
  22. Yeah, sorry about that. I didn't realize the variable wasn't available to the template. 3.3 is in a feature freeze, and as of just now we have a 3.3.0-b1 build that's in QA.
  23. See CORE-1274. Attachments are not sent via email, as they may be too large. Instead, attachments can be downloaded via the browser. If you look at this task, you can update your email template to include a link to the ticket if there are any attachments by copying the conditional in the task. I've added it here for reference. {% if ticket.reply_has_attachments %} Files have been attached to this ticket reply. You may visit {update_ticket_url} to view the ticket and download the attachments. {% endif%}
  24. Check that your temp directory, as defined under Settings > System > General is correct and writable. It should start and end with a forward slash, ie /tmp/. If files are not being written when emailed in, then your mail server user may be different, and you may need to set appropriate permissions on your uploads directory, as well as your temp directory.
  25. The same email template "Staff Ticket Updated" is used for both new and updated ticket notifications to staff. It may be possible to put a conditional in the subject and body to indicate whether it's new or updated, but that will depend on whether that information is available to the template. If it's not available to the template, we should probably make it available, and then also update the default, out of the box content for the message to make the distinction.
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