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Everything posted by Paul

  1. Paul

    Renewing Domains

    Domains are renewed via their module when their invoices are paid. If the domain is paid late, after it has expired, this could be a problem depending on how late it is and the registrars policies. If a service is cancelled, and the invoice is left open and subsequently paid, it *should NOT* be renewed. I don't recall testing this specific scenario myself, but this is how it should work. A cancelled service cannot do anything.
  2. They are turning into the Umbrella Corp
  3. Is google an accredited domain registrar now?
  4. That's an option! Going to be working on a mass mailer and affiliate system, but maybe after that I can spec out the quote system. It will be a little more advanced that renaming drafts.
  5. All dates/times in the database are stored in UTC. They are then converted to your timezone on display.
  6. Looks great! I see a lot of people lately using getkudos, should be popular.
  7. We were planning to do an iOS app, but haven't yet because demand for other features is much higher. Anyone certainly could build an app though, Blesta's API is extremely robust. If nobody has, and we get some of the more highly requested features done, we'll revisit and do an iOS and probably Android app.
  8. Paul


    This facility has a connection to One Wilshire also, Level 3, TWC, TWTC, Cox, AT&T are all on-net, and I think another tenant may have a layer 2 between here and Alchemy now that I think about it. I'll send you a PM.
  9. Paul


    Ah, that's just down the road, I've been there. I took a tour when they were still completing construction on their NOC. Nice facility. Expensive, but nice.
  10. Paul


    Your order form says the minecraft server location is Irvine, where in Irvine? Our offices are in a data center in Tustin, right on the border of Irvine.
  11. Paul


    I'm cool with it. Hope you don't mind that I tweeted this thread out.
  12. Mike didn't get the reference, I told him he needs to get a free trial of Netflix and watch Breaking Bad. lol
  13. http://www.billingbrawl.com/ Blesta vs WHMCS. I think we know who is going to win. Start with Round 1 and work your way up the page. What do you think? Favorite lines? Too harsh? Funny?
  14. Paul


    The username and password should be included in the package email section. That's the content that is included in the service activation email. The list of available tags can be found here -- http://docs.blesta.com/display/user/SolusVM#SolusVM-WelcomeEmail
  15. Paul


    Hey, sorry for the delay. I've responded to your ticket. We need additional details in order to process your request. Thanks!
  16. Only customers who have the restricted package set. Linking directly to a package that isn't on an order form, or which is restricted isn't currently supported. It may be a good idea to be able to link to order specific packages without them having to be on a particular order form, restricted or not.
  17. CORE-718 will allow for customers to order restricted packages, that exist on an order form, if they are logged in. Basically, any restricted packages on an order form would be hidden for most users. If the user is logged in, then they would see the restricted packages for which they have access. Not done yet, and the task in Private, not sure why though.
  18. Curious if the module that ships with 3.3 works for you, please let us know!
  19. The yellow highlighting of the fields usually means your browser is auto-completing the form, doesn't it?
  20. I added some lines to my config.php file in observium, and got the API menu to appear with API docs for billing, inventory, packages, so we'll see how it goes. I wish we could export the actual graphs, but it looks like just the data.
  21. That seems to show how to enable the API, but not how to interface with it.
  22. CORE-1397
  23. Where would you suggest this option be made available, for each payment gateway?
  24. We would need to make some changes to allow multiple fraud detection options to be used simultaneously. It's also possible that some fraud options in the future may not play nicely together, so this is something that will need to be considered.
  25. We actually use observium here, and are planning an integration, haven't spent much time looking at it yet though, do they have an API? If they make it easy to obtain the data and graphs that would be awesome.
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