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Everything posted by Paul

  1. Any luck?
  2. You could use the private notes field for internal tracking of things.
  3. Anyone else having trouble with this also? I would suggest reaching out to Softaculous if you're having trouble, the more people they hear from the more likely they are to fix it quickly.
  4. Do you have a config/blesta.php config file? You shouldn't until you've made it most of the way through installation. You should have a config/blesta-new.php config file, which is renamed, so this file, and the config directory should have write permissions during installation. The error seems to indicate that the config file was renamed, but the {database_host} tag wasn't replaced with the actual database host entered during installation (usually "localhost").
  5. Any suggestions in terms of features to round this off?
  6. I wonder if it makes sense to implement a simple quote system to start with. It would be similar to draft except: Clients can receive the quote via email, paper, etc just like invoices The quote email would contain a link to Blesta where they can accept to the quote Accepting the quote will turn around an invoice. Depending on the work involved, some other terms could be accepted. For example, half to start, final half due upon completion. etc. Really it needs to be fleshed out more, but I think if we stick to the basics in an initial release, it will work for most people and not take a ton of dev time to implement.
  7. Paul

    Pdf Issue

    Never experience that issue, or remember anyone else mentioning it. The font is actually included with the PDF (Hence the 700KB-ish size). Have you made any changes, or are you using a non-default font?
  8. Take a look at the sample welcome email here http://docs.blesta.com/display/user/Multicraft#Multicraft-WelcomeEmail This section specifically will send the client their Multicraft URL, User, and Pass, which is different from their Blesta login.
  9. I have created task CORE-1453 to address passwords in the Account Registration email. We personally do not include passwords in our account registration email. It's generally a bad idea to do this, and it should not be included by default. This will affect new installations only. The separate issue about rotating the email log is open to further discussion. Personally, we prefer to keep an entire history of email with the customer. I personally check email logs often, especially if there is a dispute. But, we understand that the log could become quite large, so an option to truncate the log which is not enabled by default may be a good option.
  10. Why not just mark them as inactive? Unless you're browsing inactive clients, you'll never see them again.
  11. I've been using SplashID for a long time. They have the mobile app, and a Desktop app. They can sync over wifi. No browser tie-ins, I have to open it, enter my passphrase and find the record I want. More secure that way though.
  12. How did you sort it out?
  13. I'm not a fan of cloud storage of passwords. If the data is compromised, it could potentially be brute forced. It's also possible that a vulnerability in the encryption algorithm might be discovered in the future. I use a password manager, but the data is only stored on my devices. I could be robbed, but A. that's too much work for 1 set of passwords, and B. hackers prefer to work in the comfort of their parents basements.
  14. Paul

    Release 3.3.0

    Just FYI, I moved all the beta threads over.
  15. We have an internal roadmap, with certain basic features planned for each release. 3.4 is contact logins with ACL permissions, contact and client two-factor auth, and a Knowledge Base. (And maybe a mass mailer, depending on time) 3.5 is.. secret, for now
  16. That's the plan. If there is time we *may* work on it for 3.4, but not if it will delay the release.
  17. Oh hey, I see my name. Yeah the license is legit, the non-profit looks good. I'd buy it, but I have an "in" and get all the free Blesta licenses I need.
  18. It sounds like it's for making payments from iOS 8 apps only..?
  19. That's what it looks like, KB is in dev now.
  20. Nice work! Glad we could get those events in 3.3
  21. It's very basic, Company Name, Maintenance Mode.. then, your content. You can use markdown so you can make it as fancy as you feel like.
  22. Custom fields are specific to client groups, but every client must be in a group. If a field should exist in all groups, it will necessarily have to be added to each group. This task simply allows for a default option to be pre-selected.
  23. Glad that worked for you, but Blesta 3.3 does ship with an improved importer for whmcs. You'll need to install Blesta 3.3 in order to use the importer though and it's included. If you're happy with the import, then there's no reason to do this, but might be worth a shot otherwise.
  24. Did you follow the migration guide exactly from here? http://docs.blesta.com/display/user/Migrating+to+Blesta The error seems to indicate that some data may be missing that is expected. Enable error reporting in your v3 /config/blesta.php config file before trying a new import. Also, restore your database from after you did a fresh v3 install, or install again. v3 must have a fresh database before attempting an import. To enable error reporting, edit /config/blesta.php and change Configure::errorReporting(0); to Configure::errorReporting(-1); Then run the import again. If you get an error, there will probably be more in there, include it here.
  25. Ok, the latest version is available here - https://account.blesta.com/client/plugin/download_manager/client_main/index/5/ Make sure you're logged in. You want license_manager-2014-09-26.zip, make sure you back up everything first. Once you overwrite the license manager plugin and the license module, be sure to go to Settings > Company > Plugins and Modules and click to upgrade them.
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