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Everything posted by Paul

  1. I have 2 suggestions Having 2 sliders for FTP storage is a little confusing. I would probably combine it into 1, *or* have the plan set a default amount of storage, and then you can just select additional I would recommend a drop down for FTP port speed. Not many people will probably select 36 Mbps for example, and a drop down will allow you to have discounts for greater speeds. I'd probably go with 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, etc Mbps in the drop down. The faster speeds could be something less than $1/Mbps.
  2. So it's not overflowing behind the buttons for you anymore?
  3. Have you opened a ticket? Does your server run behind a NAT, or in a cloud where there are multiple web servers? If the IP, domain, or installation path change it will require the license to be re-issued.
  4. Selling blocks of resources is planned for the future, but I don't have an ETA for you on that yet. There will however be some major improvements for SolusVM in 3.5, including configurable options.
  5. In further testing this appears to happen for some clients and not others within the same installation. I'm not sure exactly why, but I've assigned this to CORE-1520
  6. Can anyone else duplicate? I'm not able to duplicate, when I save it and go back, the box is pre-checked. Logging out and logging back in requests the OTP and successfully entered lets me in. Everything seems to work ok for me.
  7. Confirmed, CORE-1519. Thanks for the report!
  8. Do any of those domains exist? A DNS lookup is done on the domain name to ensure that it's capable of receiving email, if it's not that error is returned. It has helped many of our customers with typos in their email address. If the address is invalid, they won't get their welcome email.
  9. Paul

    I Am New Aid Blesta

    The multicraft module supports lots of configurable options, see http://docs.blesta.com/display/user/Multicraft for details. You can set up similar config options for other modules, including the Universal Module for orders. We will be adding support for TCAdmin and other game panels as soon as we can. Using the Universal Module, you can request the information and manually provision the services until a module is made available.
  10. Paul


    You got a video out quick! I hope everyone likes the re-organization of client/contact details.
  11. I've assigned this to CORE-1516
  12. The most common cause of there being multiple users is doing a fresh install, and then importing from another system, so that may have been what happened. Glad it's working now though, and thanks for the update!
  13. The Weebly people are nice.
  14. Hey, welcome! 2 options come to mind, both assume that you're setting these up and the client is not ordering it on their own. 1. You can add multiple price points for the same term on the Package. The same Package can have multiple 1 year options with different prices. Then, when adding the service you just select the appropriate one. 2. You can override the price. If you add the service, you can go back in by clicking the "Manage" link, and set a price override. The price override is what the customer will be charged when it renews, regardless of the package price selected. This is a good option if there will be many different price points. Also, if you use a package price and do not set a price override, keep in mind that changing that price on the package will cause all clients who were created with that price to be affected at their next renewal. EDIT: One thing to add, if you are going with option #1 above is to make sure the client doesn't have the term change ability, or they can select one of the other terms. This is under Settings > Company > Billing/Payment > Invoice and Charge Options and it's called "Allow Clients to Change Service Terms".
  15. Paul

    Paypal Refund

    Internal Error, Timeout processing request.. Interesting. I manually refund via PayPal, then the transaction is refunded in Blesta automatically via the IPN. Is anyone else having trouble doing refunds with PayPal via Blesta? Do you get the same error Austin posted above?
  16. Welcome, glad to have you here!
  17. CORE-1513
  18. Paul

    Install Error

    Do you have SSH? Can you upload the zip, and unpack it there? Something wonky is going on and I'm not sure what. The error is straight forward, but if the file exists then I'm not sure what to make of it. Is it CloudLinux? Do you have a PHP selector in cPanel? If so, might be worthwhile to try PHP 5.4 without the hotfix, see if it makes any difference. The alternative, if you want, is to send me SSH/SFTP access (email sales) and I'll poke around with it and see if I can figure it out. If you've created a staff user already, I'll need that too.
  19. Paul

    Install Error

    What OS are you running? Any control panel?
  20. Paul

    Install Error

    Sounds like you're missing /vendors/phpseclib/Math/BigInteger.php. Can you confirm that all the files in the /vendors/phpseclib/ directory in the zip file exist on your server?
  21. Paul

    Install Error

    If the CLI got you through it, and then you went in your browser to create a user and enter your key you have a config file. What you can do is enable error reporting in your config file. Open /config/blesta.php and change Configure::errorReporting(0); to Configure::errorReporting(-1); Then, see if it outputs any errors.
  22. Paul

    Install Error

    There must be an error. Is it possible you may be missing other files as well? If so, you may try re-uploading everything. You could also try running the CLI installer if you have SSH access. If there are errors, they will likely be output to your shell.
  23. Paul

    Install Error

    crypt_random() is part of the phpseclib library included with Blesta. Please ensure that /vendors/phpseclib/ exists, including all the files from the blesta-3.3.2.zip distribution. If all the files are there, and you have mod_security or any other security extensions, check that they are not interfering.
  24. There are 2 cases here. Anonymous Trials If an additional trial key is requested within 90 days for the same domain, the same trial key will be returned. If it's expired, it will not work. If it has been more than 90 days, then a new trial will be issued. This should be a configurable option, but it's not. You can adjust it in /plugins/license_manager/controllers/trial.php. Look toward the bottom of the file for "-90 days", and adjust accordingly. Client Trials This is when you have the client sign up for a trial and they have a user account. In this case, nothing is preventing them from signing up for additional trials.
  25. Great! Good to hear you got it working! Was it a typo or something? I wonder if anyone else may stumble on this and have the same problem as you.
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