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Everything posted by Paul

  1. Paul

    Any Ideas Guys

    Your settings look good, SMTP, TLS, smtp.mandrillapp.com, port 587. Make sure port 587 EGRESS is open at your firewall, and double check your user/pass.
  2. Paul

    No-Empty Database

    Blesta should be on its own database, and does not utilize table prefixes. I can't remember if the installer checks that there are no tables before proceeding, but you don't want to risk having other tables with the same name. If your hosting company severely limits the number of MySQL databases you get, you should ask for more, or consider switching to another hosting provider.
  3. As Mike mentioned, completely separate. You could have the support manager installed on one company, but not another. You could have staff be able to access support for 1 company but not another, or both, or have different roles and permissions in each company. There have been a couple requests for the ability for support to see all tickets across all companies in a single view, and it's something we are considering as an option.
  4. Does the logo and background image work properly? Last time we tried to upgrade TCPDF I believe it broke the background image, logo, or both, among other issues.
  5. Is your .htaccess file present, are you using mod_rewrite for fancy URLs? ie /admin/login instead of /index.php/admin/login? I didn't read back super far, but this could cause a 404 error.
  6. I would be curious what version of PHP and MySQL or MariaDB you are using and if you have any custom configuration for MySQL. That error usually indicates that MySQL crashed, which is unusual and may be evidence of a bigger problem.
  7. I've seen support teams use Tumblr for status updates on outages that are being worked on. It's manual, but hosted by Tumblr and easy to update.
  8. Paul

    Original Email Templates

    I am considering a feature which could "Restore Defaults" for email templates, and the portal markup, but no such option currently exists. My suggestion is to maintain a backup in case you need to restore the previous values.
  9. I suggest doing a new install, and keeping the test/trial install. Open both up side by side and copy the settings across manually. The reason is that copying individual tables over can potentially corrupt the database and cause any number of strange issues, it's not worth it.
  10. Looks very nice, great work!
  11. Paul


    Congrats! I've never heard of amnesty day, but a Google search reveals some cities forgiving traffic tickets.
  12. It doesn't matter if you make the change to the config before or after importing. What version of WHMCS were you running, exactly? I wonder if they made some more changes. I know they updated their admin passwords to use bcrypt and sha256-hmac depending on the version of PHP in 5.3.9. Perhaps they did the same with clients?
  13. Paul

    Pdf Invoices Big: 600Kb

    We ship with "dejavusanscondensed" as the default font because it has support for a lot of international characters. The font is embedded in the PDF document.
  14. Packages > Groups. Click the Group to expand it, sort your packages within the group by drag-n-drop.
  15. These are package screenshots, but it does confirm my suspicions. Go to Settings > Company > Modules, and manage the Universal Module, editing your Product. All of these fields appear in the Package section, when they should appear in the Service section. The Package section displays fields on the Package, the Service section displays fields for clients during checkout.
  16. We are planning to add support for Omnipay gateways, of which GoCardless is one, see https://github.com/thephpleague/omnipay. I'm not sure if their implementation supports the features of GoCardless that you are expecting. Omnipay is one of the items we cannot implement until we have raised the minimum system requirements to include PHP 5.3+. This dependency change is expected in version 4.0.
  17. Please provide a screenshot of your UM product. It sounds almost like you created fields under the "Package" section that should be created under the "Service" section for the UM product.
  18. I don't know enough about how cPanel/DA/Interworx themes work, but if you can make an HTTPS connection (Usually a POST request) for license validation to your Blesta server from your theme, then you should be able to.
  19. Yeah, I'd like to get that available soon, it shouldn't be difficult to implement. In the meantime, if you suspect someone may be using an unlicensed version of Blesta, PM me or open a ticket and we can investigate.
  20. Why don't you tweak the settings to fit your needs? Settings > Billing/Payment > Invoice and Charge Options. - Here you can uncheck "Invoice Suspended Services" if you don't want them to be billed. Settings > Billing/Payment > Payment Due Notices - Here you can disable the first, second, third, or all payment notices and change when they are sent. If you have a lot of customers with suspended services, you could cancel those services, void any invoices, and clear them out. Under Billing > Services, sort by Suspended to identify who these people are. Some companies want to bug their customers who don't pay. I wouldn't call that spam.
  21. You could make a plugin to do all of this. Plugin registers the cron, and allows the X,Y,Z values for each of those options to be set.
  22. Awesome! We tentatively have plans to make the admin responsive, but it will not be for a while. The admin area is rather complex as it contains many more views than the client area. It will take a lot of work and we haven't had a lot of requests for it so it's not really high on the priority list at the moment.
  23. We are using this one in the marketplace for creating descriptions for extensions - http://www.codingdrama.com/bootstrap-markdown/ It is dependent on Bootstrap, and the admin UI in Blesta is not bootstrap. But yes, it would be nice to use something similar in Blesta, and we have discussed it. If there are any libraries you can recommend, happy to check them out.
  24. I can extend or issue you a new trial, just email me at sales, PM me, or open a ticket. No kidding, you did their current site? I guess I always assumed they did it in house. I do all the design for Blesta, the current website and the admin and client UI.
  25. Your tickets require a dev response, will try to get you one tomorrow. If you prefer, you could start a thread on each here, bug reports and feature requests are best suited for the forums so they can be confirmed, vetted, and discussed.
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