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Everything posted by Paul

  1. Download tickets won't try again until it's no longer hung or it's been 6 hours. If it's disabled though, it won't try to run. My suggestion is to enable error reporting in your config file, disable your automatic cron, and then run the cron manually. If there are errors, it would spit them out and hopefully give you more information about the issue. 1. To enable error reporting, edit /config/blesta.php and change Configure::errorReporting(0); to Configure::errorReporting(-1); 2. Disable your cron 3. Run the cron manually under Settings > System > Automation.
  2. A lot of the VPS providers have guides on LEMP and LAMP stacks, see https://www.linode.com/docs/websites/lemp/ and https://www.linode.com/docs/websites/lamp/lamp-server-on-centos-7 For ionCube, their loader wizard works great for detailed instructions on getting ionCube loaded, but aside from that almost any modern LEMP/LAMP stack will work fine without modification. If there's a dependency missing, the Blesta installer will say so. Usually it's just a simple package manager update to install the necessary extensions via yum, apt-get, etc. But, I see what you're saying, it would be nice if we have some of our own tutorials on configuring the LAMP/LEMP stack.
  3. That is unusual. Was there a transaction applied that you unapplied? I wonder if it may be some obscure rounding issue. Did you enter 1277.01 for the invoice, or did you use fractions or quantities that may be resulted in a number to the 3rd or 4th decimal?. If it came out to 1277.0111 or something, and the transaction was for 1277.01, it may be possible that it thinks there is a tiny amount applied to the invoice which prevented it from being re-opened. The only way to know for sure is to check the database.
  4. Do you have a firewall? Is port 110 egress open? If it stalls, it may be timing out trying to make the connection. If you have SSH on the server, you can test by running: telnet mail.yourmailserver.com 110 If you get no reply, then it's unable to connect due to a firewall, dns, or other issue on the server. A screenshot of your configuration, with the hostname and username masked may also help us determine if anything looks out of the ordinary with your settings.
  5. So running the command via SSH worked, but not so much within Blesta? Does your cron run as the same user as your SSH user? Unusual
  6. Paul

    Blesta Trial Problem

    Great, thanks for the update!
  7. Paul

    Release 3.4.2

    That's the way to go. Each patch contains all previous ones, so everyone can use the same file to patch the minor release rather than having to apply a 3.4.1 patch, and then a 3.4.2 patch in the correct order. Simpler.
  8. Paul

    Blesta Trial Problem

    I believe Enom must whitelist your IP address, in order to accept API calls from your server. In the past, I recall having to open a ticket with them to request they add the IP. They may have a way to add it yourself now, I'm not sure. In any case, this is likely the issue.
  9. Nope, the backup should work with a fresh install and is not dependent on a certain level of configuration -- except configuring the backups themselves! Curious the result of running mysqldump manually per above.
  10. I can confirm that having multiple companies in Blesta, and using the same PayPal account for them works perfectly.
  11. Paul

    Blesta Trial Problem

    Did you check the module log under Tools > Logs? Usually the module log will provide useful information. Also, a common issue is allowing your websites IP address with Enom, when API requests may originate from the server's primary IP. In such a case, Enom rejects API calls because the IP is incorrect. Aside from that, we will need more information in terms of what you're trying to accomplish and where things go south.
  12. We should update the importer to pull in KB articles also, if possible. Do you know how they store their articles? Is it basic HTML? That won't help your immediate need, but it should be part of the import process.
  13. That is a pity. If that module is ready to go @thynan, maybe now is a good time to release it. Then, @loading can get a refund and use Blesta.
  14. Sure is!
  15. looks better with the color logo Firefox 35.0.1, and also 36.0. See the screenshot attached.
  16. I'm curious to see how the new logo looks, couple suggestions on other parts of the site: 1. I would use the colored Blesta logo at the bottom instead. You can grab it from here - http://www.blesta.com/resources/ 2. The vertical lines dividing the sections of your footer extend part way into the lighter gray section at the very bottom. Looks a bit odd, I would expect it to end within the darker section. Other than that, looking good!
  17. The ticket was for a dev request, which requires a particular person to evaluate and quote. Not a typical request, but it did admittedly slip past us. Still, the vast majority of tickets you've opened (32 in total) have received responses within a few hours. So, this is a bit of a generalization.
  18. We have some improvements planned to simplify creating packages, it can definitely be a little confusing your first time through. You have probably done most of it right, and Mike's tutorial on the Universal Module is good. Any packages you have that you don't want to use, just change them to inactive and create a new one. Here's the basic order for using the Universal Module and creating a package. Create a Universal Module product. If the customer should be presented to fill out anything for the service, create 1 or more service fields. Settings > Company > Modules > Universal Module Create a Package, select the Universal Module as the module, and the Product you created above. Set your pricing and other options Add this package to an existing Package Group, or create a new group from here. If you are adding the services to clients manually, you can use the Add Service option on their profile page, select the package, and continue through the wizard to add the service. If you want customers to be able to order the package directly, create an order form under Packages > Order Forms and add the Package Group to the order form. If you want a little help getting this initial one set up, you're welcome to give me a call at 714-398-8132 x100. We're in the USA.
  19. You should set a cron key if you are going to run it via web, by using lynx (richwalker's example), wget, or other. Please see "Running the cron via the web" at http://docs.blesta.com/display/user/Installing+Blesta#InstallingBlesta-4.SetupaCronJob
  20. Let's see if you can run mysqldump via the command line (SSH), try executing this command: Replace USER and DATABASENAME with the proper values. You will be prompted for the password after you run the command. You can check your Blesta config at /config/blesta.php for your database details. Do you have a dump.sql after running the command? How large is it? Open it up and see if it looks right.
  21. Upload a phpinfo page to your server and check if mailparse is indeed in there. Call the file something like info.php, with the following code: <?php phpinfo(); ?> Then, pull it up in your browser, and see if mailparse is loaded.
  22. Confirmed, it's legitimate!
  23. Please PM me the ticket ID and I can confirm it's legit.
  24. Where is it? Is it in the environment variables? I forget if Blesta simply tries to execute mysqldump, or if it includes the path. I believe the default path on most systems is /usr/bin/mysqldump. Also, are there any commands disabled in your php.ini? It probably uses exec() or shell_exec()
  25. Paul

    Invoice Creation

    Great, thanks for letting us know!
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