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Everything posted by Paul

  1. Sorry I was probably thinking of the invoice due reminders. Make sure you've updated it in both the HTML and text sections. The URL comes from the template, no where else. EDIT: If the tag exists and the URL is blank I'm not sure what could be going on. Do you have your domain set under Settings > System > Company > Edit? for Hostname?
  2. You may have missed a template, there is an "Invoice Delivery (Paid)" and "Invoice Delivery (Unpaid)" template that both contain the pay now link. It may not be correct in one of them.
  3. You can clone it, and delete the companies you don't want sure. You'll just have data from the other companies hidden in the database, but if it's all your data, and you aren't selling one of the companies to a 3rd party then I suppose it doesn't matter too much.
  4. There's a lot to consider. We have future plans to implement a Blesta -> Blesta importer for this purpose. This would allow people to move companies between installations, so addon -> standalone, or addon -> addon, or standalone -> addon, just moving companies. It isn't very high on the priority list at the moment though, so I don't have an ETA for you.
  5. Very nice! If you found this plugin useful, please consider donating to @PauloV for all his hard work. Look for the red "Donate Here" link in his signature above.
  6. No news on this. It's something I'd like to do, but also something that will take a significant amount of time to implement. It's just not a high priority at the moment.
  7. Paul

    Cron Error Help

    The error indicates that MySQL crashed for some reason. Not necessarily a timeout or anything. Normally if MySQL crashes, it's a MySQL issue.
  8. Awesome! Looking forward to hearing from you, let me know if I should resend or anything.
  9. Would you mind posting your gateway code?
  10. This is all my fault. Hey @Steven F. I sent you some emails but never got a reply, your spam filter must hate me
  11. Another customers experienced this issue on cPanel with PHP 5.2.17 due to the following file: /usr/local/apache/conf/userdata/std/2/USER/cp_php_magic_include_path.conf. The solution was to comment out the line: php_admin_value include_path ".:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php:/home/USER/php" #
  12. Thanks for pinging the feature. Nothing new on this, it is certainly possible to do but not many requests in the past year.
  13. Paul

    Auto Debit Question

    Auto debit will run once per day. It will only run once per day, so if it ran at 1pm, you generated the invoice after 1pm, and then changed the auto debit run time to even later in the day, it will still not run. Because it already ran today. It should go through the next day though.
  14. Javascript is required to view and interact with any modern website or web application. Why do they have javascript disabled?
  15. Very nice, love the solid flat colors.
  16. Any suggestion on how that would look? Eventually I would like the ability to manually link or unlink line items from specific services.
  17. This would need to go in the first section "Service Information". Status: Active (Active, Pending, Suspended, Cancelled) sounds ok with me at first thought. Any suggestions?
  18. It is very much faster. Cody will correct me if I'm wrong, but we were seeing nearly 10x speed increase on PHP 7 for some unit tests. Because if the performance of PHP 7, I suspect it will have a much higher/faster adoption rate than past versions.
  19. This may require a join, resulting in a slower query but Cody will know more.
  20. If it's in the budget, I suggest getting a VPS just for Blesta. Far more secure. I suggest multiple backups. Blesta's database backup is good, but if an attacker hacked your server, they would technically have the information they need to log in and deleted your backups. I suggest using something else as well, VPS snapshots or R1Soft, or all of the above. Backups. Backups. Backups. Nobody was ever sorry for having backups.
  21. +1 for Xen
  22. For whatever reason, Interworx is returning the error so it may not have anything to do with Blesta. Have you opened a ticket with Interworx yet? Send them the input/output and they may be able to shed more light on the error. Edit: I missed the fix, glad it's working and thanks for the update!
  23. Thanks I appreciate it. I've created CORE-1623 so we can look into it further, however I suspect varchar(128) would work in this case. This would make it consistent with first and last name which are currently varchar(128) and company names tend to be naturally longer than a first or last name.
  24. That's interesting. I would suggest opening a ticket with Interworx for more clarification. I found this thread - http://forums.interworx.com/threads/8005-master_domain_ipv4-This-input-is-required but it doesn't seem to make sense. Since it is Interworx throwing the error, they may be able to shed some light on the issue.
  25. What are you suggesting we do? Raise the limit? And if so, to what exactly? Databases have to reserve a specific amount of space for a field, the contacts.company field is varchar(64). Interestingly contacts.first_name and contacts.last_name are varchar(128), so it may be reasonable to raise the company name to the same limit. But based on this thread, I don't know that varchar(128) would solve this.. maybe a longer company name springs up and we're back where we are now. The bottom line is that there *must* be a limit, and our goal is to simply set a reasonable one.
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