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Everything posted by Paul

  1. Thanks for taking the time to post such nice things If we can ever be of help, let us know!
  2. Hey, good to see you both. Been staying busy?
  3. Also, if you're using a PNG image, depending on how it was saved it may be a problem. If you're exporting from Photoshop, use File > Save for web.
  4. Awesome, and thanks Mike! (It's good to have someone in the UK on the forums while it's dark here )
  5. Awesome! Let us know if you need help with anything.
  6. I just finished responding to all my email from the weekend. If you didn't get a reply from me, I may not have received your email. Try sending me a PM. Thanks!
  7. There's currently no way to assign a ticket to a client that is unassigned, but yeah, that would be a good feature request.
  8. Heya, I responded to your email this morning. As Austin mentioned, yes your clients can log into Multicraft. Blesta's module is the most advanced for Multicraft as many features can be performed in the client area. Check out the documentation at http://docs.blesta.com/display/user/Multicraft In the section "Welcome Email", there is an example email content that includes the Multicraft login credentials.
  9. The read notification is annoying. I never, ever, ever send read receipts. Some mail servers like Mandrill can make use of message tagging and track opens, which are useful for statistical purposes for various types of emails. It would be interesting to be able to add special headers to outgoing email to enable some of these features on a per-template basis.
  10. This task may be useful for this case CORE-1661 will allow admins to edit universal module service fields of the type "hidden". Clients are not prompted to enter any details for universal module service fields that are of the type "hidden" but currently staff cannot update them either. This task allows staff to be able to update them, while keeping them hidden from clients. It's important to note though, that these hidden fields are real fields, ie <input type=hidden so it's possible for a client to view the details by inspecting the source.
  11. Are you suggesting an update to the download manager, that allows you to link to an externally hosted file instead? That would work with any kind of file hosting service.
  12. Copy your cron command from Settings > System > Automation to a file called something like blesta-cron.txt Make sure the path to PHP is correct. It should look similar to this: Upload it to your server. Then, SSH in as the user you want the cron to run as and execute this command: crontab blesta-cron.txt This will create a cron using the contents of the file. Be sure you're in the same directory as you upload the file when you execute that. You can run crontab -l to list your crons after to ensure it's in there. Then, wait 5 minutes and make sure the date updates for last run time under Settings > System > Automation.
  13. This is the official guide for moving Blesta to another server. As you found out, the encryption key in your config/blesta.php config file is critical. http://docs.blesta.com/display/user/Moving+Blesta
  14. The log is rotated per Settings > System > General > Basic Setup: Rotation Policy. I believe the default is 30 days, but you can lower it if you want. I recommend keeping a log for 30 days, old records are removed after that time automatically so your log database will not continue to grow forever.
  15. If it works when you run it manually, but not via the cron, then I would venture to guess that your CLI environment is different.. it may be missing mailparse. Do you have SSH access? If so, try disabling your cron temporarily, wait 5 minutes, and run it via CLI just as your cron would. Does it hang? If so, clear the hang and try again after enabling error reporting in your /config/blesta.php config file To enable error reporting, edit /config/blesta.php and change Configure::errorReporting(0); to Configure::errorReporting(-1);
  16. The most common issue here is missing mailparse, which is required to parse email for ticket creation. If mailparse is not installed, you can usually install it with: pecl install mailparse See http://wiki.cerbweb.com/Installing_PHP_Mailparse for more details on installing mailparse.
  17. Image 3, the Blesta integration looks really good, fits in well with your design. The only thing I might suggest is using a light gray background so the boxes stand out. OR, add a CSS override to give the boxes a border to bring them together. border: 1px solid #efefef; Or something. Nice work!
  18. Blesta uses the Swiftmailer library to send email. As far as I know, it does not support PGP, but maybe someone has added support for it?
  19. Would they make one, or bake one?
  20. Upgrades are currently limited to packages in the same group of the same module. I suppose this would technically be possible across package groups, if the module is also the same, as the primary limitation is the module. (It's not, nor will it ever be possible to upgrade to a package of a different module) How do you propose this should look in the UI?
  21. Paul

    Automatic Log Out

    Ctrl+A, Ctrl+C. Submit. Oh crap. Back button. Ctrl+V, submit. Happy.
  22. Paul

    Sql Issues...

    What was the timeout before, and what did you change it to? Was it taking a long time to send client emails out?
  23. Paul

    0.01 Credit

    In order to modify an invoice, all payments must first be unapplied. You can unapply them by clicking to edit the transaction, and clicking Unapply for each invoice. Then, modify the invoices, then, re-apply the transactions using Record Payment.
  24. If you're creating the cron in cPanel, then you can leave off the */5 * * * * from the beginning, and just make sure the path to PHP is correct. The cron should run every 5 minutes.
  25. Paul

    0.01 Credit

    Is it possible that your invoice has a value in the thousandths or ten-thousandths place? Blesta tracks values to the ten-thousandths place, and there is currently a rounding error that can cause this. We're working on a fix. This can happen with very small unit prices or fractional quantities. Others don't have this issue, because they do not have the same level of precision.
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