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Everything posted by Paul

  1. Welcome back Potato! Are you waiting on those plugins in particular? We had to focus on some other features including config option upgrades/downgrades and more. But, the mass mailer is planned for 4.0!
  2. You could create the customer account, and then create & send an invoice. OR, you can send the customer a link to register an account, and then create the one-off invoice under their account. They'd get an email with the invoice, and a link to pay it. It's not possible to create an invoice that is not attached to a pre-existing account though. To allow a client to register, you just need to create an order form of the type "Client Registration". Packages > Order Forms > Create button. Then select "Client Registration" under "Type". Send them a link to this registration page so they can create an account, and then invoice them.
  3. I'd like to see an option to allow order forms to appear together, meaning that you'd have links or buttons at the top to switch from one order form to another. For example, you might have an order form for VPS's, and another for Shared Hosting. Both of these could be displayed at the top, so that the user could easily navigate between them. In such a case, I can see this request being more important. We need to discuss internally though, the original intent of order forms was for them to be unique, so it's no accident that items in the cart for 1 order form are not visible in another.
  4. Let's define hourly billing. Is it as I described above? More to it? Details
  5. Which module are you using? I suspect privacy would ultimately need to be a configurable option as it's often an extra charge (Also per ICANN rules not allowing it to be offered for free). If whois protection is enabled, the ability to request an EPP key should be disabled correct? (First disable whois protection, then request EPP key)
  6. This was actually delayed because it turned into something bigger with being able to move other items like invoices and transactions and more to another client. I'd like to simplify it and focus on the most important items, which I think are services, and expand it in the future. Thoughts?
  7. Ah, standalone, great! So just a twilio account if you want to receive SMS alerts.
  8. Very nice! Do you need an account with UptimeRobot from here? https://uptimerobot.com/
  9. That reminds me, I need to update the demo. We cannot provide the database for the demo, it wouldn't work without modification anyway, and it's a bit out dated. It's likely we will be populating the demo automatically using a utility to seed in artificial, but realistic data. This utility would likely be available to the public.
  10. Paul

    Split Invoice

    An option is coming that will allow you to disable combining of services on invoices that renew on the same day.. this would result in a new invoice for every renewing service.
  11. That sounds like far more work. Thanks for the use case though, it does make sense.
  12. Can you tell us more about how you use the feature? I've personally never needed it, so I'm interested in knowing about the business case for it. Do you need to split invoices often, and if so, why?
  13. @Carl did you modify any of the templates? If not, what OS and browser/version are you running?
  14. Paul

    Split Invoice

    To be honest, invoice splitting has not been a big request. In many places, modifying an invoice after it has been created is a big no-no as well. Is splitting invoices something you find yourself needing to do often? If so, we'd love to hear more about the business case for it. This seems like a nice to have feature, but nice to haves are not very high on the priority list.
  15. Paul

    Release 3.5.2

    Any extensions that have any modifications are included in full in patches. This is because extensions are contained in their own repositories (externals). Our build process checks out the extensions we want to include with Blesta during the build, and wraps it all up in a nice little zip file. This means the build checks out a full version of the extension.
  16. They probably fell off the planet. I would suggest filing a complaint with your credit card company, or paypal, or whatever you used to pay and find another Minecraft server company to place a new order with. Best of luck!
  17. Ah, you'll need to contact them directly. They are just using our software. Also, they had a trial license, which expired in Feb so maybe they just can't login to approve your order? Or, they pirated our software. You might bring that up when you contact them.
  18. Right. It almost sounds like the OP purchased a Minecraft server from someone else using Blesta. OP, are you using Blesta yourself?
  19. Paul

    Split Invoice

    There's currently no option to split an invoice into multiple invoices, might be a good feature request. You could do so manually. Open a new window to create a new invoice. Copy line items across from the current invoice to the new one, and delete them from the current.. Save both.
  20. Paul

    Error At Install

    In most cases I can find your server is unable to resolve hostnames. Check your /etc/resolv.conf file and make sure you have some caching servers listed. If you don't you can use Google public DNS by entering the following 2 lines into the file: If your server can resolve hostnames, check your PHP for any disabled_functions. This is an issue with your server.
  21. Inactive packages cannot be ordered, but staff can still put people on them if they like, without having to grant the client access to a restricted package. The way I see it we could do one of the following: 1. Leave it as-is. 2. Create a "soft delete" option for Packages, to make them disappear forever. 3. Hide all inactive packages (unless/except the client is using that one and you are editing the service) 4. Add a setting whether to display inactive packages or not. Given that much of the conversation lately around Blesta has been to open things up so that staff have more control, and not less control, I'd go with #1 or #2. #2 if the goal is to remove packages from ever being seen again.
  22. Version 1.0.1 of the Blesta License reseller module has been released. Please use this version instead, the original release had a bug that could cause multiple licenses to be created over the API unintentionally.
  23. Yes, it would need to be by staff group.
  24. I can see how a whitelist for bypassing 2FA would be convenient, but it makes me nervous. I want to be 100% sure nobody is logging in as me without entering my OTP. If plugins can't alter this process, maybe they should be able to, a plugin may be more suitable. I'm totally on board with a whitelist for "Only allow staff from group xyz to login from these CIDR's" though.
  25. We have discussed adding the ability to set an override price for a service at the time of order to match that of the package. Then, changing the package price would have no affect on the price of those service. I'm curious though, what do you do now if you need to raise the price for say, everyone on a particular plan?
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