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Everything posted by Paul

  1. Our official Braintree gateway does not yet support Vault or token based storage, so the CVV is not sent to Braintree unless you are submitting payment at the same time. We have a task to add support for vault/offsite storage of CC data, but it has not yet been completed. So, the best way to proceed for now is to disable Braintree's CVV requirement. The option you provided "does not match when provided" may be sufficient for the interim. I would highly recommend utilizing the fraud tools we have available at the moment and be on the watch for fraud, which I would suggest even if you could use restrictive CVV rules with Braintree. On the black market, hackers often purchase CVV data with the card data.
  2. Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and a Happy New Year to all.
  3. CVV data is only passed along if making a payment by entering new card details. If you save a Payment Account and subsequently use it, the CVV is not sent because it is not stored. It's not stored because it is against merchant rules to do so and would result in non-PCI compliance, and termination of your merchant account. In order to process recurring payments in Blesta with Braintree, you should disable the CVV requirement with them.
  4. Please see CORE-2007 I added this to our "Short Term" bucket, and placed it near the top of the backlog. While it is not planned for 4.0, we may have time to squeeze it in, especially since it is not overly complex.
  5. If there is a vulnerability, chances are it won't even need exec perms to be exploited. If it's a big concern, you'll want to use an alternative tool to back up your database. R1Soft works very well, and I would highly recommend it. It's also a good idea to run Blesta on a private server.
  6. Was the order approved? (Billing > Overview: Orders widget) Did you set up your cron job? Paid pending orders are provisioned by the cron.
  7. Just to add: If this is not the 1st server the customer ordered, the Multicraft User/Pass will not be included.
  8. Did you add welcome email content to your Packages? See https://docs.blesta.com/display/user/Multicraft#Multicraft-WelcomeEmail I suggest going through the documentation step by step, it will make a lot more sense if you are familiar with the documentation. If you have any specific issues or questions, please feel free to post them with as many details as possible.
  9. Your api.php is here:
  10. This is how Blesta connects to your Multicraft panel. What is the URL to your Multicraft panel?
  11. api.php is on your Multicraft master server, if you have Multicraft installed and accessible at the root directory then it would be something like http://multicraft.domain.com/api.php
  12. Have you seen the documentation? https://docs.blesta.com/display/user/Multicraft
  13. What if we include a documentation link for each template? For example, when editing the Email Template "Account Registration" that link goes to https://docs.blesta.com/display/user/Account+Registration Then, we also update the documentation for each template to include the content for each email template so it can be copied. Downside: The documentation may contain newer tags that are not available for your version of Blesta Upside: The most current template content will be available *and* additional tags are listed in the documentation that may be useful.
  14. Centova responded, they'd like to see more support at http://forums.centova.com/index.php?topic=3340.0 so if you'd like to see them implement a module for Blesta, please go there and vote it up.
  15. I've opened a ticket with Centova to see if they would be interested in building a module themselves. I would encourage you to reach out to them if you'd like to see them build a module for Blesta.
  16. All my passwords are exactly 27 spaces followed by a tab.
  17. Testing should occur in a non-production environment with a trial or dev license Manually manipulating imported data can be done directly in the database, if you know what you're doing. This doesn't exist in Blesta as a feature, because it's not a normal function of the application. Someone could certainly create a plugin to allow invoices to be wiped out, but many localities do not allow this kind of behavior, so Blesta doesn't support it.
  18. I have bumped this into our "Short Term" bucket.
  19. Does "Pro Forma" not indicate that it is not a VAT invoice? Can you reference the rule that says those words must be included as well as where it must be placed, if anywhere in particular? Will adding it to your terms resolve the issue? We are certainly open to adding this into the core, if it is clearly required by all EU businesses. Often these kinds of rules vary by region, so we need to be certain that it is required globally.
  20. I don't see anything wrong with the markup you pasted in, if they have a col-md-4, it should be able to fit 3 of them across the page. There may be something else causing trouble. If you want to link to the page, we may be able to identify it. If you buy a license, it will not modify anything. You just update your license key under Settings > System > General > License Key. All settings and files will remain unchanged.
  21. Please see CORE-1996 This is perhaps the most common migration action that needs to be performed. Rather than have a single, complex migration feature, I think this will solve this issue for most people.
  22. We appreciate your feedback, we are working to improve usability and make tasks more intuitive.
  23. The plugin schedules cancellations and will solve your issue. In terms of notifications, update your late notice/payment reminders to include information about the service being cancelled. For example, if your 3rd late notice goes out 10 days after the invoice was due, and you cancel (via the plugin) 11 days after, then you can say "Your service will be cancelled TOMORROW", or something along those lines.
  24. I agree, a simple reset to default option would be very helpful. How do think this should look and work exactly? Email templates, and the portal are completely separate (portal is a plugin). A link or button that says "Reset Template", that replaces the template content?
  25. It seems as if the Support Manager upgrades have not been run, but if you're not seeing an Upgrade button for the plugin under Settings > Company > Plugins > Support Manager, then something went wrong. Normally we would suggest rolling back to a backup of your database prior to the upgrade, and attempting the upgrade again. If that's not feasible, you could install the same version in another location (start a trial) and compare the support manager tables between installations. Your live environment should match, structurally, the tables and columns across both. If it doesn't you can manually create those tables or columns.
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