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Everything posted by Paul

  1. Can anyone else reproduce this?
  2. Paul

    Cancel My Blesta

    Yep, you're welcome. Thanks for opening the ticket, makes it easy to find. Cheers
  3. Settings > Company > Currencies > Active Currencies What is the exchange rate for AUD and USD and what is your default currency? (The default exchange rate is 1.0000 which would make it appear that there is no conversion. If that's the case, you need to manually update in or enable automatic exchange rate updates)
  4. 1. Because it's not designed that way. Currency conversion happens at the time of invoice. 2. Great 3. Is that your expected behavior? They are being converted. If they were unable to be configured, due to settings, then they would necessarily appear on separate invoices. (Because an invoice cannot have multiple currencies on it)
  5. I think some kind of shared login via oauth or something would be preferable where passwords don't matter. Otherwise you run into an issue if someone updates the password outside of Blesta.
  6. Do you mean a link in Blesta where the client can click and be auto logged into Multicraft? (Like some other modules) I think some providers don't even provide access to the Multicraft panel because Blesta handles most tasks pretty well. This reminds me of CORE-1726 which allows for a permission based system for module management features.
  7. I'm not sure I fully understand the issue, a couple things to note: Any conversion happens at the time the invoice is generated, not paid. Make sure your exchange rates are being updated and are correct, see Settings > Company > Currencies > Currency Setup (And Active Currencies) Invoices only contain services of the same currency (no mix of currencies on a single invoice)
  8. Paul

    Cancel My Blesta

    If the license is with us directly, then you need to open a ticket from the client area at https://account.blesta.com/client/login
  9. Interesting. On our cPanel dev server php-cli is a symlink to /usr/local/bin/php
  10. It's in our short-term bucket, so it's not planned for a specific release at the moment. Our short term bucket is what we dig through when planning releases and when we are ahead of schedule. The earliest it would appear is 4.0, but more likely 4.1 or 4.2
  11. Yeah definitely. The task describes a link to client groups.
  12. I've added these to our "short term" bucket, so they are at least prioritized
  13. See CORE-2010 which describes the ability to create order forms that are not publicly available, but available to authenticated clients who belong to select client groups. I believe this will more effectively fit your purpose, and it's an item we've been discussing internally over the past few weeks.
  14. Just a note on this. Since this thread was started, we added a setting under Settings > Company > Billing/Payments > Invoice Customization called "Payments/Credits". If this is checked, invoices will show any payments already applied to the invoice. If sending all open invoices to a client, they will be able to see how much is effectively due for each invoice when payments/credits are displayed. The only issue I think, is that it does not show a summary of the total due across all open invoices.
  15. We are considering this.. however, why not put all your items on the same order form?
  16. You can update the header/footer for Blesta to match your website. The file is /app/views/client/bootstrap/structure.pdt
  17. /app/views/client/bootstrap/structure.pdt contains the header and footer for the client area. Order forms have their own templates as well under /plugins/order/.
  18. We would love people to be able to participate by voting for features in Jira, but due to Jira's licensing scheme it's very cost prohibitive as they charge us by the user. Commenting on the original thread, or starting a new one under feature requests would be the best way to log support.. this thread definitely helps.
  19. See translate.blesta.com for crowd sourced languages. See https://docs.blesta.com/display/user/Internationalization+and+Languages for how to install them.
  20. Awesome, congrats on your first Blesta module! Looking good
  21. As far as I understand it, the payment details should be sent directly to Braintree, including CVV if you are entering those details when making payment and not using a previously stored payment account. That's how I would expect it to work, but maybe what is actually happening is a little different. This is something we'll need Cody or Tyson to look into.
  22. We upgraded our Multicraft Dev server to 2.0 and talked with Daniel from Multicraft. We have the latest MulticraftAPI.php library, which according to Daniel is just a drop-in. We should be looking at this pretty soon. v2.0 seems much better, at least visually. Do you suspect the vast majority of people have or will be upgrading?
  23. Paul

    Multicraft With Blesta

    I just updated our Multicraft Dev server and it does look much better. We will be updating the module soon to use the new API. Any feel for how many people have upgraded to Multicraft 2.0? Any reason we should continue to support the old API?
  24. Most likely you want /app/views/client/bootstrap/structure.pdt which is the header/footer file for the client area.
  25. Are you using Multicraft 2.0? Per Multicraft, you need to enable legacy API support under Settings > Panel Configuration. We are going to update the module soon to use the new API for v2.0.
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