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Everything posted by Paul

  1. Have you checked that your server meets the minimum system requirements? If you still get a blank page, your php.ini may also have error_reporting completely disabled. Depending on your server, errors would be written to your httpd logs, or a php error log. Normally this would be in /var/log/httpd/ but if you're running cPanel or Interworx the location may be different. I tried visiting the link you PM'd me to your install, but there was no DNS resolution. Is the link correct?
  2. I replied to your PM, see if you can enable error reporting. Possibly missing a system requirement.
  3. Paul

    Failure Of 'free Key"

    I PM'd you a new trial key. Please try entering that one. If you still have trouble, double check that port 443 egress is open at your firewall.
  4. I re-issued the trial and PM'd you the key
  5. Yes, LicenseCart is a legit. Blesta does support Stripe, and is easy to theme like your website. I'm a little biased, but yes, Blesta is better than WHMCS. It's certainly better written. What you need to do is determine if it's the best option for YOU. Download and install the free trial if you haven't already. Installing Blesta https://docs.blesta.com/display/user/Installing+Blesta You can grab v3.6.1 by clicking the download button on www.blesta.com.
  6. Paul

    Tcadmin Module?

    Great, thanks for the feedback. I'm guessing we will only implement TCAdmin v2, which I'm glad to see supports Linux as well as Windows.
  7. I bumped CORE-562 into the short-term bucket. Naja's events thread is a good one, but it has a lot of events in it and it's fairly old now. I'm interested mostly in a short prioritized list of most needed events.
  8. Just to add, even though the documentation says we don't allow tickets from reseller customers, you can still open tickets and we will respond to them. We are just limited in what we can do.. for example, we can't re-issue your license or upgrade/downgrade, add support & updates etc.. as the reseller is responsible for that.
  9. That's a really great deal for 12 Years!
  10. Paul

    404 Error?

    Great! Thanks for the update. Cheers
  11. @naja7host are there any specific events that you would find particularly useful that I can look into? Ones that you would use? We can't add a whole bunch of events, there isn't enough time for it, but it *might* be possible to add one or two, or at least get those prioritized.
  12. Paul

    404 Error?

    This may be related, see CORE-1937 This happens if there is an error. In your ticket, you mentioned a module row error, correcting that error should correct the 404 redirect you are seeing. The fix described in this task will show the error rather than the 404 page. So, your solution for right now is to correct the module row error. The module row error is most likely a side-affect of having deleted the module row on the module (For example, the cPanel/WHM server under Settings > Modules > cPanel: Manage) The solution is to edit your Packages, and re-save them with the correct cPanel/WHM server selected.
  13. Paul

    Missing Nav Bar

    This is undesirable but it's not technically a bug. Because the Customize tab is a different controller and because it's not registered into the nav under a new section (Like Billing > Customize Reports) or something, it doesn't know that it should be under Billing > Reports. This is how any other plugin would work as well, using a different controller, without registering its own subnav item. This makes a "fix" more difficult. Cody tells me that it may be able to be corrected using a route, but that's probably not ideal. It may require a more complex solution. Good catch though, I can't believe I didn't notice that myself.
  14. Paul

    404 Error?

    I wonder if there is a .htaccess file in the parent directory to Blesta. If so, it may be interfering with Blesta. Can you tell what the URL is before it redirects to /404/?
  15. Nice work, very different!
  16. Paul

    Tcadmin Module?

    What do you sell through TCAdmin? Are you using TCAdmin v1 or v2? It's moving up in terms of internal priority, I think it would compliment our Multicraft module in a big way.
  17. You got it
  18. Nice work! I see the price is $7/mo on your order page. Do you want me to edit your original post to change it from $20?
  19. Paul

    404 Error?

    Is this still an issue? Do you have mod_security or anything that may be getting in the way?
  20. Nice work! I sent you a little donation. If you're reading this and you aren't @naja7host, consider buying the plugin or donating.
  21. If the contact opens the ticket, you'll be able to see that it was them that opened the ticket. No current way to open a ticket for a specific contact at the moment though.
  22. Allow clients to change their client area theme? Have you had any requests from customers for that?
  23. Great, thanks for the update!
  24. Is your cron set up? The cron activates the service. Also, if paying a specific invoice, payment should be immediately applied when the transaction is logged. If making a general payment on the account, it will be issued as a credit and applied to oldest invoices when cron runs unless you've disabled automatic application of credits.
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