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Everything posted by Paul

  1. No, I believe that would result in duplicate notifications. There is no internal tracking for whether a particular notice has been sent out, so if the cron does not run for an entire day, the notices that should have been sent that day will never be sent. More critical tasks like invoice generation or auto debit, etc will occur when the cron next runs.. but late notices are not in that category. Is it common for your cron to not run for an entire day?
  2. Paul

    Departaments Problem

    POP/IMAP logins normally log to /var/log/maillog on cPanel don't they?
  3. Paul

    Display Ip On Invoices

    What module are you using? The module defines a label, and the label is displayed on invoices. For modules like SolusVM, the label is the hostname.
  4. The portal plugin is unaware of the order plugin and doesn't have the ability to display cart contents. It may be possible with some development to do so, but the portal is only 1 page.
  5. I looked up your licensed domain and ran a TXT DNS lookup on it. There are 2 SPF records, and the one that is set up to include _spf.google.com appears to be invalid. You should combine your records into a single, valid SPF record. I'm pretty certain this is the problem.
  6. Is your SPF record permissive for Google's SMTP server? This has nothing to do with Blesta and everything to do with your SPF record by the looks of it. Google's servers need to be permitted to send. We have a Barracuda spam appliance and don't have any trouble. We also use SMTP, but not through Google.
  7. Your CLI environment may be different, or your temp directory is not writable. Check Settings > System > General and make sure your temp directory is correct and writable. The default is /tmp/ but on some servers, your user may not have permission to write to /tmp/. Also check that your temp directory is not on a partition that is full. While probably unrelated, you should also check that your uploads directory is defined in this same area in the settings and that it is correct. Also, verify that your uploads directory has the following structure: ~/uploads/ ~/uploads/1/ ~/uploads/system/ You may have additional directories in the "1" directory depending on which plugins you have installed.
  8. We are looking at making changes to the "domain and other" type to work for just domains as well. We have announced some things that will be included, like a pricing grid for TLDs, but the tasks for domain management are currently private as they are evolving. We have mapped out quite a bit, and had a lot of internal discussions, but are not ready to make related tasks public yet. As 4.0 nears completion, we will begin to finalize plans and start development. That said, we welcome suggestions.
  9. Paul


    They are the same company yes. We are planning development on an EVO Snap gateway that will not require Authorize.net and get you out of the $10/mo fee. I don't have an ETA on that. As far as I knew they were based out of Portland Maine, but I do see the Denver address on evosnap.com.. they are a large company so I wouldn't be surprised if they have multiple locations.
  10. You are very kind, thanks for your support!
  11. Paul


    I agree with you 100% on Bluepay, and I'm told they cannot process for hosting providers either. They will refer you to one of their partners. Apparently Wells Fargo Bank is responsible, and processors that partner with Wells Fargo are rejecting hosting providers. e-onlinedata / EVO will take care of you. If you do sign up and have any trouble let me know and I'll reach out to them personally. The have been a pleasure to work with.
  12. Paul


    Also, check out http://www.e-onlinedata.com/blesta/ e-onlinedata / EVO Payments will take care of you. We are partnered with them and they accept hosting providers.
  13. Paul


    What business type did you enter?
  14. This is an off the wall idea, but what if you created a new staff member in Blesta and subscribed them to a BCC of "Account Registration" emails? This staff member (which could be an infusionsoft email address) would get the same email a client gets when they register an account. I don't know if that fits into infusionsoft's process, but if so, it may just work.
  15. You shouldn't be receiving the errors you're receiving when visiting pages. I suggest uninstalling the support manager, deleting the entire plugin files from under /plugins/support_manager/ and re-uploading it from the distribution zip. If you have a 3rd party support plugin installed, uninstall that as well before installing the official one. You may have these competing with each other.
  16. pecl install mailparse Or if you have a control panel like Mike mentioned, you can usually install it via the panel
  17. You want to use the domain and other order form type. Also, create a package for each TLD, put your domain packages in the same Package Group. That group you will select as the domain group when creating an order form. Blesta will sort out which package and price to use based on the TLD ordered.
  18. You should be using the Enom module that ships with Blesta, not the one in this thread. I believe Enom needs to know the IP address of your server to allow API access. Sometimes people enter the IP address for their Blesta install, which is not always the correct IP address. It should be the primary IP address belonging to your server, as this is the IP address Enom's API will see when you make requests.
  19. The key is still in a re-issue state, which means it has not been used. This generally only happens if your server cannot reach our license servers (usually 443 tcp egress is closed) or if you are overloading mbstring (see https://docs.blesta.com/display/user/Installing+Blesta#InstallingBlesta-LicenseValidationIssues)
  20. You'll want to upload a fresh copy of config/blesta-new.php from the Blesta ZIP file.
  21. Hm. I'd suggest the wizard boxes order form then instead, and maybe comment in Naja7host's thread to throw your support behind adding that into the ajax forms.
  22. Interesting, when does the blank page occur exactly? What information did you submit when it happened? Do you have port 443 egress open at your firewall? The blank page could be a result of the inability to make an HTTPS request for license check, or, more commonly, there is a MySQL error. What you might try is dropping all the tables in your database if they have been created, and trying the install over again from scratch. You'll also need to remove your config/blesta.php config file and re-upload the blesta-new.php file to that directory.
  23. Paul

    Support Tickets

    It'd have to work similar to the way it does when creating a new ticket as an admin from the overview, which is that you type in the client details and it does a search, allowing you to select one from the search box. That would work well for a "Re-assign" option within a ticket. Feel free to open a feature request thread for that if you want. (This thread won't do)
  24. Nice! I think some screenshots would encourage more downloads
  25. Paul

    Support Tickets

    If they open a new ticket under their account (or you open it) you may be able to merge under the Support ticket queue (Support > Tickets). I don't recall off the top of my head if tickets are limited to being merged for the same client or not.. I don't think so. You'd select their unlinked ticket under the queue, then enter the ticket number you want to merge into. Give it a try and let us know how that works! Re-assigning a ticket without merging is not currently possible, so I'd suggest a feature request if you'd like to have that functionality.
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