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Everything posted by Paul

  1. 1. Not sure exactly what you mean. The nav link is click-activated, so that it will still work on mobile devices. But, once activated, you can hover over other primary nav items and the menu moves with you. 2. The breadcrumbs were actually the subnav links. They have been moved to the menu. This is actually one of the complaints we got (a lot of actually) that the subnav looked like a breadcrumb.
  2. Yep, ours was an April fools joke.. looking forward to the *real* thing you're working on though.
  3. Sounds interesting! Sort of reminds me of the Parallel Payment Optimizer - http://www.blesta.com/2014/03/31/parallel-payment-optimizer-video-free-plugin/
  4. What do you think about the new staff menu in v4? We wan't your feedback. Watch the video! Vote in the poll! Comment below! Keep in mind, the menu will look different in different themes. For example, it has a hover effect in the Blesta Blue theme. Just FYI: The colors are washed out in the video. The background is really white. menu.mov
  5. LOL nice one! Did they send you an SMS back upset after they went to the supermarket and did not get the discount? Reminds me of Czech Dream, a heavily advertised new store with amazing prices that turned out to be totally fake.
  6. That's right, we did have this in v2 didn't we? It's a nice feature because I don't have to do date math in my head to know if the customer is behind. CORE-2145
  7. CORE-1686 will be in 4.0, which causes unpaid (and not past due) invoices to be voided when a service is cancelled. For auto cancellation, there is a plugin that already ships with 3.6 called Auto Cancel that can automatically schedule services for cancellation after a certain period of time. These will work together, meaning, services scheduled for cancellation with this plugin will have unpaid invoices voided (that are not past due) when cancelled.
  8. I believe we updated the SolusVM module so that extra memory was additive. It may or may not be possible to do this in the future with the Multicraft module.
  9. I believe so yes, but I'm pretty sure those IPs need to be active on the daemon. In other words, I don't think Multicraft will add IPs to your network adapter automatically so they should be active on that daemon.
  10. Paul


    Yep, trial is the way to go to start. Just download and install and select 30-day free trial when asked to enter a license key. Download and installation docs at www.blesta.com (look for the button on the left). If you have any questions or need any help during the trial, please come back and ask!
  11. If the API is the same and it's just a different URL, you may be able to manually modify that in the code. See /components/net/amazon_s3/ and /vendors/amazons3/
  12. I definitely think it's a good suggestion, and yeah the forum isn't always the best metric.. but I'm considering tickets and emails, and phone calls, and it really hasn't come up. Definitely a nice to have, but I think if we set aside everything else to implement that now, some people would be upset we didn't spend our time on more highly requested items.
  13. Not sure this was already asked but did you check both the HTML and Text versions of the email templates? Are they consistent?
  14. It's a good idea, but next to zero demand. Since this thread was created, there have maybe been a couple instances where people have asked how to disable 2FA because of a lost token. Maybe that means not enough people are using 2FA, I don't know.
  15. Paul

    Partial Payment

    Thanks @ModuleMatic Not only are partial payments allowed, clients can pay multiple invoices at the same time as well.
  16. The best thing to do is to theme Blesta like your website. Usually all you need to do is edit CSS and the header/footer file for the client area which is in app/views/client/bootstrap/structure.pdt For CSS, I suggest creating an overrides file and adding it to the structure.pdt so it won't be overwritten on upgrade. (You'd just need to merge changes into structure.pdt) Then, on your Wordpress links you'd link to the product you want, see https://docs.blesta.com/display/user/Order+System#OrderSystem-LinkingtoaSpecificProduct for how to do that. Hiring a company to take your website and theme Blesta is perfectly reasonable, and is generally not expensive.
  17. We will be adding a filter icon for most widgets in the window decoration (like the cog/gear icon) that will toggle a filter section above the table listing. I need to mock up the markup for this, it's one of the things on my list.
  18. So you're saying that the original "Ticket Received" email does not observe the email address override set for the department? This email also does not contain by default information in the subject to be able to reply to the email to update the ticket, though I believe the tags are available to be able to do so. Overriding the name would be a separate unrelated task.
  19. Please see CORE-2135 It's currently in our "Short Term" bucket. If you don't see it in 4.0 beta 1, please feel free to nudge us it seems likely we could add it during the beta.
  20. That's definitely unusual. Are the links different between the time the user had trouble and the time it was resent? You can check the mail log for the specific client to compare. Client Profile > Actions > Mail Log.
  21. Paul

    Next Eta For Update

    The mass mailer is effectively done pending a few tweaks. There is 1 more planned sprint, and possibly 1 more after that depending on how things look. There is no official ETA, but if I were to guess I'd say beta in April. Since 4.0 is a major release, we will likely have a couple more beta releases than normal. During beta's we usually have a release once a week. We will be looking for feedback during the beta on new functionality as well as any bugs.
  22. We are open to implementing DNS modules, but no immediate plans. The most immediate thing will be that with our improvements to domains we will be adding support for managing DNS for domains that use the registrars name servers. For example, with Enom, if the domain is set to use Enom's name servers the customer will be able to manage their DNS zone. What do you want to see in terms of DNS integration?
  23. Very nice! I like how you linked up directly to the correct package and pre-select the 1 year term instead of monthly. Only thing I might recommend is a background color in the div behind the video or see if you can get the video to fill it in a little better.
  24. Are the links correct? Do they contain http:// or https:// as the protocol? Does your website redirect http requests to https? If so, that may break the links.
  25. Just an update, the chat was fixed. Turns out there was a bug in IPB that would automatically forget our license key. How nice. Does anyone prefer IRC?
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