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Everything posted by Paul

  1. Paul

    One Service Per Person

    Some people may want to allow 2, or 3, or 5, or 10. I think such a limitation would have to be specified on the package level, but that instead of a checkbox it would be an input box where you can set the maximum quantity any one customer can have. Then there's the question of whether it's just active ones, or all created regardless of whether they are active or cancelled or pending. I assume for this purpose, even cancelled ones would be counted toward the 1?
  2. Paul

    Rename Payment Gateway

    Most likely in a language file.. got hits on these.. /language/en_us/client_accounts.php / transactions.php / accounts.php (and some others, but more likely to be one of these.
  3. So it's no longer an issue after reverting that change?
  4. Paul

    One Service Per Person

    Perhaps, but if this is turning into a feature request.. how should such a thing be implemented?
  5. How are you saving the logo? For some reason, saving it a certain way can cause TCPDF not to be able to read it. If you are using Photoshop, do a "Save for web", and save it as a 24-bit PNG.
  6. Oh, it looks like it is issued under the MIT license... this is good news! https://jessepollak.github.io/card/ Who wants it? +1 if you want it, +2 if you really want it. I think it could add to the user experience, so I like it.
  7. The simplest thing is to edit the /app/views/client/bootstrap/structure.pdt file which contains the header/footer for the client area. Tweak it to fit by adding your own header/footer code and/or include an overrides css file to override the default styles. Then, click over and read Mike's thread above if you want to know more
  8. Nice work, looks great!
  9. Paul

    One Service Per Person

    What are you offering trials of? If it's software, and you're using our License Manager, both client and anonymous trials are supported options. We use anonymous trials ourselves, and the system limits 1 trial per hostname.
  10. Are you running mod_security? If so, you may have a bad rule blocking the request. Do you have access to your HTTP server logs? There may be more information there. You can also try enabling the error reporting in Blesta and see if any error is output. To enable error reporting, edit /config/blesta.php and change Configure::errorReporting(0); to Configure::errorReporting(-1);
  11. Please see CORE-2190. I suggested using the fa-cog font awesome icon instead of an asterisk to indicate which items are attached to a service. I added this near the top of the backlog in the "Short Term" bucket. Please feel free to bump this during the v4 beta, we could probably add it in during the beta.
  12. So sort by renew date ascending in both the admin and client area for services? Any feedback from anyone else? Ultimately I'd like the sort order to be stored according to your staff preferences like widget order, widget minimize/maximize, and last search type. It seems to make sense to default to renew date ascending, so that you see services than are renewing soonest at the top. I'd like to get more feedback from others, if possible. Anyone else have an opinion?
  13. Are emails delivered from the core, outside the support manager pro? For example, invoices, payment reminders, password resets, etc? The question is whether it affects the whole system, or just support manager pro.
  14. I updated the thread title to reflect $148.95
  15. Paul

    Duplicate Invoice

    Are you sure you aren't double clicking the button to create the invoice? Do you think this is occurring when you create the invoice at the same exact moment it is saving a draft? I create a lot of manual invoices and this has yet to happen to me.
  16. Would require permission from LicensePal.
  17. Please see https://docs.blesta.com/display/support/License+Transfers In order to transfer there is: - A $25 transfer fee - Support & Updates must be valid (It's $39 to renew)
  18. We will be deploying a new server with a new website in the v4.0 timeline and forcing HTTPS for all connections. It's an issue currently with the existing website, and the current server. Soon
  19. Perhaps one of the guys can chime in with a more technical response, but in general we don't recommend making any structural changes to the database schema. It can have undesired effects.
  20. The system should be converting from UTC as stored in the database for display and other actions. If you find areas where this is not happening, please open a bug report. In terms of utilizing data from the database in another application, you will need to adjust the date times from UTC to your desired timezone.
  21. When we last tested it, there were issues with rendering background images among other things that we could not resolve. If you give it a try, and everything works, let us know!
  22. Human Verification as used in the Order plugin is built into the order plugin, so it's not available to any other plugins. We would need to implement this separately for the Support Manager. I would suggest opening a feature request for that if one does not exist already. It looks like a ReCaptcha upgrade to the newer, better v2 is in progress for v4. See CORE-2096
  23. This won't be in 4.0, but the new graphs are. I'd like to swing back around after 4.0 and add new useful graphs for reports and other things. Sparklines are a good possibility.
  24. I'm not sure then, our tickets are auto closing. Are you using the official Support Manager plugin, or the "Pro" version from PauloV? Maybe one of the guys can provide a query that it uses to fetch tickets to close and see if that returns anything.
  25. Total rev may be best represented on the clients profile page (outside of the transactions widget) using the new graphing library in 4.0... I'm thinking, maybe sparklines that possibly link to a page with more stats/graphs. hmm
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