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Everything posted by Paul

  1. I don't see any acknowledgement of this issue for KVM at https://documentation.solusvm.com/display/DOCS/Change+Root+Password OP, would you care to open a ticket with SolusVM to inquire if this API command has been resolved to work with KVM for root password resets? If we can get a confirmation, I'll create a task to re-implement this.
  2. The "Label" for the Service Option for your Universal Module product appears as a label above the field. Some people include a more verbose description. For example, you might have a label called "Hostname". Instead you could say something like "Hostname - Enter your hostname, ie my.domain.com"
  3. What does it say for the last run time under Settings > System > Automation? What is the exact error you're getting on the dashboard's system status widget? It's possible some tasks are running and not others. You can check which tasks specifically are running under Settings > Company > Automation. Make sure they are enabled, and not hanging. If a task hangs, it could be because it's encountering an error.
  4. Thanks for the feedback, MIT is a possibility for extensions and as suggested should alleviate any issues with us including open source extensions with Blesta. We are looking into this.
  5. We could make a disclaimer, but I think we may need a signature from the author assigning rights to us for the contribution.
  6. We are considering just that Think we would get many pull requests for improvements, added features, etc? The primary challenge is rights based, in that we ship these extensions with Blesta so we cannot merge changes if the author wants to keep the rights to their contribution.
  7. Most people just customize the theme and add their logo to the admin area. (via Settings > Company > Look and Feel) There's no way to select a different theme for the admin area, but you could still copy the directory (/app/views/admin/default) as a backup and modify that one. It's certainly possible that we may enable the admin theme to be selected in the future, but there has been little demand for that. I think most people are mainly interested in customizing the client area to a larger degree than is possible with color themes (Settings > Company > Look and Feel) for a tighter integration with their site, and only Staff access the admin. But, either way you can still customize it.
  8. Awesome, thanks Nelsa!
  9. Great! Marking as resolved
  10. Looks like you got it installed ok?
  11. Paul

    Release 3.6.1

    Fair enough. We are listening, and doing our best to implement what people want. Constructive criticism helps. We actually care what people think, and don't try to suppress criticism it like the other guys. I think that says a lot.
  12. yum search mailparse See if a package with mailparse exists for php56u, something like php56u-pecl-mailparse or something and then try installing that. That should avoid the conflict.
  13. Do you have the "Client can Add" permission for the package options? Also, the Option Group should be selected for the Package that it should be available for when editing your Packages.
  14. Just a tip, since you have experience with HTML/CSS. You can clone the client area templates (/app/views/clients/bootstrap/) and name it something else. Then, select the theme under Settings > Company > Look and Feel > Template. This will allow you to modify a clone of the client templates. You'll be able to change it back if you want, and upgrading wont overwrite the new theme. (Though you should run a diff and merge changes)
  15. You're very welcome, sorry I didn't notice from your screenshots in this thread.
  16. Very nice!
  17. The accounts_cc table contains all payment accounts for credit cards, and accounts_ach for ACH. You could just update accounts_cc.number to NULL for any cards you want to erase AND update accounts_cc.status to "inactive".
  18. I updated your ticket with a likely fix, let us know how it goes
  19. If it continues to be an issue in 3 days, feel free to open a ticket with Blesta admin login and we'll take a look. We might also need phpMyAdmin access. Also, didn't think to ask.. any customizations to Blesta? It wouldn't be a bad idea to (backup everything) and download the SAME version of Blesta, overwriting all the files just to be sure.
  20. If xcache is enabled, you should disable it. It may or may not be responsible for this issue, but it will certainly cause other issues. Try disabling it and see if that resolves it. If not, we would be happy to get into your server and take a look at it if you open a ticket with proper credentials.
  21. Nothing wrong with those screens. Re-save those forms just in case. I'm a little unclear of exactly what's happening though. Do all 3 late/reminder notices go out on the same day every invoice is created? Or is it only specific ones? Does it happen for every invoice? Does the client have any other open invoices?
  22. Paul

    Release 3.6.1

    Constructive criticism, thank you I appreciate the feedback.
  23. Paul

    Release 3.6.1

    I'm pretty sure if you recommended Blesta on their forums they would censor it and ban you. Not very respectful.
  24. Could you post a screenshot of: Settings > Company > Billing/Payment: Invoice and Charge Options Settings > Company > Billing/Payment: Payment Due Notices Settings > Company > Client Groups: Edit If these are correct, you may also wish to re-save them, just to be sure they are set and not defaulting to anything.
  25. So in /config/routes.php you have the admin route set to "administer"? Try ~/administer/ and if that doesn't work, try removing your .htaccess file temporarily and trying ~/index.php/administer/
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