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Everything posted by Paul

  1. CORE-2230 thanks for the nudge
  2. CORE-2230, thanks!
  3. The new default theme will be missing shadows and virtually all gradients, and icons are replaced with font-awesome. However, you can enable shadows and use gradients on a per-theme basis if you like them. I think it looks cleaner and more modern without the shadows and gradients and font-awesome icons look great on retina displays.
  4. Great, you should have what you need to implement something that will work at least generally. If you're planning to do it, feel free to PM me any questions you may have regarding implementation.
  5. Do you have 2 cron jobs running at the same time?
  6. If you disable credit card payments, they will not have access to create or manage credit card payment accounts. I *think* this would also prevent auto-debit from running on their existing payment account, but I could be wrong. Staff can continue to manage these if it's disabled.
  7. If the client has auto-debit enabled, and the payment account selected for auto-debit Blesta will automatically initiate a charge with Stripe every month (or whatever the term is).
  8. Thanks for the offer, but I think it would require certain knowledge about how our licensing is implemented. We have several license types, including trials, etc that would all need to be checked. I'm sure it wouldn't be very difficult to implement, it's just a matter of finding the time to do it. If you want to take a stab at it anyway and send it over, we'll take a look at it and see if it'll work. Do you have a copy of the license plugin/module already? We were planning to implement this feature as a plugin that can be accessed via the portal like the download manager, support, order, etc. It'd just be a box to enter the hostname and return the result. Cheers, Paul
  9. There are hooks, but we call them "Events" instead. See https://docs.blesta.com/display/dev/Event+Handlers
  10. If you have an owned license with us, you can request a dev license for no additional charge by opening a ticket. Correction: Addon companies for owned licenses are $95 one-time. 5 for $350 if you open a ticket to request bulk discount.
  11. This may be helpful - http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/1255-custom-client-fields-value-in-the-invoice/?p=10287 Takes a bit of custom code in the PDF template, but it's possible to add.
  12. Please see http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/6976-credit-notes-help-us-spec-this-out-looking-for-your-feedback/ and help answer questions and clarify how credit notes should work exactly so we can update the task. If all the details are filled in, we can schedule it for development.
  13. I think it would have to be saved unique to the credit note. Cody originally planned that invoice attachments would be stored statically, but it may make sense to do this in the database in conjunction with storing client details for each specific invoice. This way the information is static and is not changed. Yes, a credit note can only apply to 1 invoice, but an invoice can have more than one credit note. So, the credit note will be a deduction on the invoice, correct? As in, the invoice should show the correct amount after adjustments from credit notes? Great Great Do credit notes need to be sent to the client, similar to invoices once they are created? I think it would be preferable to add credit notes as additional pages onto the invoice PDF. So, each credit note would be on its own page or something. Would this be acceptable? Does anyone have an example of a credit note that meets the legal requirements?
  14. Credit notes have been requested for Blesta, as a means of VAT compliance. Credit notes are issued when an adjustment has to be made to an invoice. Credit notes do not have to be issued for pro forma invoices. The rules for credit notes can be found at http://www.revenue.ie/en/tax/vat/guide/credit-notes.html#section8 and are copied below: The credit note must show: the date of issue of the note, a number, which uniquely identifies the note, the full name, address and VAT registration number of the person issuing the note, the full name, address and VAT registration number of the person to whom the note is being issued, in the case of a supply to a person who is registered for value-added tax in another EU Member State, the person’s VAT identification number in that Member State, the reason why the note is being issued and a cross-reference to the invoice which was issued for the supply in respect of which the consideration was reduced, the amount of the consideration, exclusive of tax, in respect of which the note is being issued, and the rate or rates of tax in force when the related invoice was issued and the amount of tax at each rate as appropriate to the consideration shown on the note (other than where the reverse charge applied on the transaction). If you are in an EU country where credit notes are required, we would love your feedback. Is the above list accurate? How should credit notes be accessed? Should they be appended to the invoice as additional pages in the PDF with the required information listed? Should Credit Notes be visible to staff only, or staff and clients? How should you, as a staff member, create a credit note in Blesta? (Please outline your desired process for this) Thanks! EDIT: The task for this is described in CORE-1277
  15. Nothing, but most honest folks won't mess with it. If they want to steal it, they can reverse engineer ioncubed files anyway. No real way around it, but it's a little easier for someone with some PHP knowledge without ioncube. Up to you how you want to go.
  16. This is a result of importing? I would expect services.package_group_id to be null if importing from Blesta 2.5 because 2.5 did not support package groups. The solution would be to update services.package_group_id so that it matches the desired package group. Then you should be able to upgrade/downgrade between other packages in the same group that match the same module.
  17. clients.id_value contains the Client ID. This is separate from the clients.id field which is auto-incrementing, internal ID. It's possible to update clients.id_value, which will change the Client ID as it appears in the UI.
  18. That would be nice, I could see that tying into client groups well.
  19. The "Order" link? It's a nav item, so you could modify it in the database to say something else if you want, but it's not customizeable. The 2nd image, where the order forms are listed is customizable by adding a description (new field) on the order form.
  20. Ok, so in v4 we added a couple things related to Order Forms. Clients now get an "Order" link in the client area. This takes them to a page to view all Order Forms they have access to. Here's the link in the nav: When they click the "Order" link, they can see all order forms they have access to: You can also add a description for an order form that will appear on this page for the order form. Staff can now set the "Visibility" of an order form to Public, Shared, or Client Only. Here's how that works: Public (Anyone can see order forms of this visibility if "Default Order Form" is "None - Show Listing") Shared (Only users that know the URL to this order form can access it) Client Only (Only authenticated clients can see and order from these order forms) Setting the visibility: Setting the "Default Order Form" (None - Show Listing) now recommended: What do you think? I think clients having access from the client area directly to the order form is great. Also, that they can have access to client only order forms. That opens up the possibilities for doing something special for existing customers. What do you think?
  21. We would like feedback on the Mass Mailer, but it requires 4.0 so we'll have to wait for the beta to start. We did make some changes to the client area. For example, the navigation now appears whether clients are logged in or not. Really, a lot has changed, so we are hoping to get a lot of feedback during the beta.
  22. I sort of prefer the "limit 1 service per client" option. I see this as a package option, only allowing a client to order 1 service from the package. Does this conflict with your suggestion @feezioxiii?
  23. nice work! I just sent you a donation.
  24. We need to refactor the coupon system before we can extend the functionality. Having coupons apply to specific terms/periods, and supporting free domains is planned. Right now, you can create inclusive coupons where you have to buy all of the items listed for the coupon to get the deal. This may not be ideal for domains because domains can belong to multiple packages and have various pricing. But it would work for any other type of package by making the coupon discount the same value of the "free" package. We don't like Pokemon Go. We are preparing for the Pokemon Go Apocalypse.
  25. Yeah, make sure all services under the client are cancelled. Blesta will continue to invoice active services, regardless of the "status" of the client's account. If it's going to be marked inactive, it should be cleaned up first.
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