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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/26/2024 in all areas

  1. This days i way discovering how the order forms / cart work . and i have discovered (at least for me and my staff and my clients testers) a big problem in the cart system . so if we have 3 order forms let say 1 for vps 2 for dedicated 3 for hosting . the client has make a order of 1 vps, and has not completed the checkout ; then he ordered 1 dedicated and hosting , no checkout at here . when he decide to complete the order , here we have the problem , the cart is not containing the 3 order services . and to complete the order he need to go to order form link and make checkout for every service . that for us/him is a huge and buggy work . so we decided to make our own call to the cart basket to see what are in it . and we have surprised , what blesta do is storing the cart item in the sessions, and every item with their ids and some more data . at here all thing is fine . but the surprise for us was that blesta disting with every order form cart . what we suggest is that the cart/basket should be for all order forms . the solution for us was use 1 order form for all . but we prefer use some list or ajaxed order form for a specific needs, and use styled order form for other services . at the end , for me, it has no sense to have 3 carts sessions in one system for the same place !!!! either the other ecommerce platform use 1 cart like magento/open cart/prestashop ..ect ... i don't want to nominate competitors ... licencecart , Relax is just a discussion .
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