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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/22/2021 in all areas

  1. ClientX Blesta client area theme v1.1.0 ClientX is a fully responsive Blesta template offering the rich user experience. Features 1. Fully responsive - ClientX is a fully responsive Blesta theme. 2. Easy Branding - You can add logo to your Blesta theme with just a few clicks. 3. RTL Supported *coming soon 4. Order Form image display Bug Fixing 1. Unable to select other payment gateway over checkout page as well on payment method add page 2. Order Form display pages break when it have package group Improvements 1. Compatible with Blesta 5.1.2 & 5.1.3 2. Module configuration field design redefined 3. Affiliate pages design redefined 4. Domain Modules support and pages design redefined PRICING AND PACKAGES 1. Startup License (Applicable for 1 Website domain) - $99.95 Order Now 2. Enterprise License (Applicable for Multiples Websites & Domains) - $430 Demo link : https://demo.whmcsglobalservices.com/blestademo/ username : developer@whmcsglobalservices.com Password : demo@123 Included in package 1 year of theme updates 1 year of support* License for 1 domain - license will be active for lifetime. 1 year of support INCLUDE: tickets reply within 24 hours. solving any theme bugs. We offer ClientX theme customization services: Basic Integration service - $99 Advanced integration service - $299 Custom design and development services - $25/hr
    1 point
  2. Thanks for the report: https://dev.blesta.com/browse/CORE-4350. This will be resolved in the final release of 5.1
    1 point
  3. domaingood

    Mail styling

    https://postmarkapp.com/transactional-email-templates can use in Blesta?
    1 point
  4. TheMaster

    Hetzner Cloud Module

    We Are Glad to release hetzner cloud module V 1.5.0 - Create server from snapshot added based on customer request @TeYroX -Ability to add a nick name for each server based on customer request - cache server images added to reduce API request -oh didn't mention we celebrate 0 BUGS reported so there is no bug fixes ? ------------------------------ how to enable create from snapshot ? -go to hetzner account create your snapshots -on blesta backend go settings -> modules -> manage ->edit (the API token or add a new one ) -tick the check box next to allow create from snapshots -save it -on the main manage page click clear cache (if you don't do that it will be automatically cleared every 24 Hours ) you are done !
    1 point
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