some of our clients asked us to change the mass mailer plugin to limit the emails sent on the cron, as the actual one some times block the smtp or the hosting account if the list is a big one. so we have decided to look in the code and i have found a simple way to do the jobs, and since is simple we have decided to share it with the community .
open the file plugins/mass_mailer/Cron/Email.php and change this lines (begin from line 55)
while (($task = $this->MassMailerTasks->getByJob($job->id))) {
// Send the email
$this->MassMailerEmails->send($task, $email);
// Delete the task
by this one
$counter = 0;
$limit = 15;
while (($task = $this->MassMailerTasks->getByJob($job->id))) {
if ($counter > $limit) {
// Send the email
$this->MassMailerEmails->send($task, $email);
// Delete the task
$counter += 1;
if (!$task) {
you can set you limit by editing the var $limit, in our example every cron (5min) it well send only 15 emails.
i hope if Blesta staff can look into this simple task and add a limit to the mailer plugin via the plugin setting.