Hetzner Clouds Blesta Module
A full Refund will be issued with in the initial 14 Days of Purchase date if Module dos not meet the bellow :
Life time Updates included (Hetzner API V1)
Bug Fixes Guaranteed in Max 7 Days
Instant Activation of Cloud Server
Automatic Suspension
Automatic Unsuspension
Automatic Termination
Unlimited Hetzner Projects
Automatic enable/ disable Backups (see included instructions)
Change Root Password
enable/disable/restore Backup
Show Available IP address
Modify/Reset DNS PTR for both IPV4 and IPV6
Enable/Disable Rescue mode
Console Access
Server action logs with real status and process percentage
Admin Can import exiting server (Please check included instructions)
Admin Can new server
Just FYI, they have a WHMCS module on their site. I have no idea how helpful being able to review a WHMCS module is, so ... just saying.
But honestly, if I start reselling VPS, I'd rather go with Hetzner anyways.
There is also interest in development of a Transferwise module.
Nice! Looks great! Thanks for developing on Blesta, this is how we'll grow
A couple notes.
It looks like the Power Cycle button on the Rescue Mode could use a margin above it (or below the message).
The Reinstall Os tab content doesn't appear to be taking the full width of the screen.
Okay, I got it stripped down finally to only requesting: First / Last name and email address. Those three fields are hard-coded as default required fields. For some reason you can't remove the Country or Phone fields without it breaking the registration process, though I'm not certain why.