Hi all,
After trying blestacms and messing around with themes etc I could not get the Blesta pages to match my site, I use Wordpress so installed Blesta into
but when entering this area as a client I had the feeling my browser had been hijacked, nothing looked the same.....
So a simple solution for now is to add the Advanced Iframe by Michael Dempfle plugin to your Wordpress
Create a new page and add a single block made up from the iframe plugin. Mine looks like this:
[advanced_iframe use_shortcode_attributes_only="true" src="/billing/order/forms/" width="100%" height="100%" store_height_in_cookie="true"]
Add the new page to your Wordpress menu
This brings your order forms into Wordpress but it's still not seamless, the Blesta menus are also inside the Iframe.
Edit app/views/client/bootstrap/structure.pdt (BACKUP FIRST) and remove from around line 107 <div class="nav"> down to around line 226 </div>
This will remove the Blesta menu from the client view, and logo. Take a look at this section carefully as you may want to leave the clients name and dropdown elements.
Add another page with an Iframe for client area, then add it to your Wordpress menu.
Add a custom link to your menu with /billing/client/logout (change billing to your Blesta folder). I altered the logout redirect to go to my Wordpress homepage - /app/controllers/client_logout.php line 25 $this->redirect("https://www.topweb.wales/");
Play around with structure.pdt as some links still look odd depending on where you are in the Iframe until you are happy.
Something I did not expect is if you are logged in as admin to Blesta then the entire backend runs inside the Iframe also
A work in progress so not as I would like the finished job but take a look, It's not fully tested through to payment yet but it seems to flow ok.
In the end I decided on using ispsystems, I felt Besta wasn't right for me at this time, I'll revisit later in the year.