So you would like to integrate Blesta into your theme but don't know how to? Why pay for expensive integrations when you have to relay on them replying in time and giving you updates when you need them when you can do it yourself. If you can't do it I highly recommend you use a third party integration company. I personally recommend but you can use, etc.
Today I will be using the theme Appy. It's a free theme if you KEEP the copyright otherwise you have to pay to have permission to do so.
Meaning you are not allowed to remove footer credits for that you must purchase a License.
Download the theme from:
Extract the files to your computer and create the folder on Blesta in
In this tutorial we're calling it appy.
You'll need to copy the files from the default bootstrap folder to the new one appy.
After you want to upload the files from Appy to the custom theme folder you are creating.
Next we need to add the images to the root of Blesta so the CMS can use them straight away. So simply copy the images folder to the root of blesta like so:
Back to the theme let's rename it to Appy.
In the folder:
Find the following:
"version": "1.0.0",
"name": "Bootstrap",
"description": "Built on Bootstrap 3.1.",
"authors": [
"name": "Phillips Data, Inc.",
"url": ""
"require": {
"blesta": ">=3.2.0"
Rename the name to anything you like. I'm going with Appy. So mine looks like:
"version": "1.0.0",
"name": "Appy",
"description": "Built on Bootstrap 3.1.",
"authors": [
"name": "Phillips Data, Inc.",
"url": ""
"require": {
"blesta": ">=3.2.0"
Finally go to Blesta and enable the theme so we can start integrating the theme. Go to:
Settings > Company > Look and Feel
Click on Template on the left and click Appy (or your chosen name).