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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/11/2019 in all areas

  1. With the increased demand in DirectAdmin from those migrating away from cPanel, we took a look at the module and made some modifications to improve it. During checkout, clients will now only be asked for their domain (not username or password) Usernames and passwords are generated automatically (similar to the cPanel module) There is now a password generator when resetting a DirectAdmin password as a client or staff We'll include the updated DirectAdmin module with Blesta 4.7, but we're including it here for use now in currently supported versions. Download Here: direct_admin.zip To Upgrade or Install: Back up your installation. Unzip and upload to /components/modules/ to overwrite your current direct_admin directory. Visit Settings > Company > Modules to click the upgrade button for the module, or to install it for the first time. If you have any feedback, please provide it in this thread.
    1 point
  2. This module is for Cloud and not for robot. this is already supported, from package creation page you can chose the server base of the package. the cPanel/Softaculous licensing will be implemented like a hook system for the module, we have already done it with our virtualizor extended module, after we will sur is totally functional we will release it and port them to Hetzner Cloud module too. We don't have any public changelog or github reposity now, we have our internal project system. Just to note we also using the Hetzner Cloud module for our other brands and we should update it and adding more futures to our clients and of course the blesta addons users will get this features also . Rescue is in our next release, ISO Images and Graphs will come later, maybe we will ad support for volumes before them as they are very used .
    1 point
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