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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/05/2019 in all areas

  1. What is the Obstacle Now in Domains? in reality the obstacles are now : - Multi Price System, This can be fixed with more price fields like Renewal Price, we add more fields , Transfer Price, Restore Price. - Better Domain Management, this also can be fixed by adding the functions to the actual modules . - Unification Commands, this also can be done by actualizing the actual modules. - Privacy, Forwarding & other addons prices, this can be implemented with the actual system by addons, we need just to tweak the actual modules to support this addons - if we want to distinct with domains modules and other modules we can add a new entry in modules to define is a domain module or not (true/false) or something like the order type definition. For me what Blesta need is enhancing the actual system and not reinventing a whole system for domains. now we have waited years to only hear a something from blesta, creating another system will take other 2 or 3 years, and the quick solution and the simple is to extend the actual exist mechanism to support new features .
    1 point
  2. The goal is to remain backwards compatible, so far it's looking like that will be possible. Meaning that existing registrar modules should continue to work, and it shouldn't break when installing the domain manager. However, the domain manager may not be able to recognize pre-existing domain packages and take control over them. A way of conversion may be required to take full advantage of the domain manager with existing domains unless starting fresh for domains going forward.
    1 point
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