Hello All ,
Today i want to suggest/talk about the navigation links , for my poor point of view , it need a full re-factor not just a improvement . why ?
1 - Normally the navigation links should be totally controlled by the admin/staff , as now some of the navigation are not stored in database and is added directly to the navigation.php , it's a -1 point for blesta .
2 - the admin/staff should be able to add/edit/delete links as it want .
3 - the navigation link should support access levels , like (all, guests, clients, staff, or based staff based permissions ) , for example i want to make navigation link only showed to the guests , like a registration link , or make a link showed only to clients like payment account .
4 - the link should also support orders , as i can move order (up/down) of them as want .
5 - links should be multi-language of course . (i think that it was the main goal to make them n navigation php class by blesta ).
7 - the navigation links should support external urls .
8 - the navigation link should be out of the show_header var .
at the moment , getPrimaryClient is the most wanted .
if blesta accept the deal , they jst add the structure database tables and the class . i can provide a free plug-in to the community to ad/edit/delete/order the links