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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/05/2019 in all areas

  1. {ticket_hash_code} is designed in such a way that Blesta can use it to identify the proper ticket, without leaving room for someone to maliciously modify the code to reply with updates to tickets that belong to other customers. It's designed with security in mind. ticket.id and ticket.code have direct relationships with real tickets, particularly ticket.id which is auto incrementing. Someone who receives a ticket with an ID of 100 can be reasonably sure that the ticket with an ID of 99 has already been created just before this one and is probably still open, and that ticket ID 101 will follow.
    1 point
  2. coreyman

    Paypal CC End Point

    This is just a guess, but if you look in \projectfolder\vendors\components\gateways\nonmerchant\paypal_payments_standard\paypal_payments_standard.php you will find PaypalPaymentsStandard extends NonmerchantGateway It looks like you are required to have a Blesta invoice to pay to use this gateway, so you will probably need to generate an invoice first. On line 232 there is buildProcess where I found this information. It looks like it's building the request to paypal. Maybe someone else can shed some more light.
    1 point
  3. Ahh ok I didn't know cron was creating those files. I'll change this. Thank you!
    1 point
  4. Do you have a ticket open? When you updated from 4.5.0 to 4.5.1 did you apply the patch originally or the full version? There's nothing in the update that should cause the error you received, unless it was a coincidence and your license hadn't been validated in quite some time. When you updated to 4.5.0 was everything working fine? Did you run /admin/upgrade to upgrade the database? If it was working fine, and was upgraded properly, then applying the 4.5.1 update should be fine. However, you could pretty easily roll it back by re-uploading the 4.5.0 release, or restoring from backup. Does it work if you do that?
    1 point
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