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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/26/2019 in all areas

  1. After a long and great time building the CMS we wanted to change our way we do business to help others get the best out of Blesta and we can grow a bigger community with Blesta. The BlestaCMS is now open-code and the "base" is free to everyone. That's currently 1.2.7. We will fix bugs and patch the version when needed for free but to upgrade to a new version let's say 1.3.0, you will need a license. We're still working on this to make sure the updates are safe and secure. You'll also need a license if you wish to get support from us with active support and updates. If you do need support you can go to our support ticket page, click on BlestaCMS Support and then enter your license key. This will allow you to submit a ticket. You can download the latest version of the BlestaCMS Base here: https://blesta.store/client/plugin/download_manager/client_main/download/26/CMS-1.2.7.zip Support: Valid: Suspended: PS: We've fixed the spelling on complimentary, sorry for the error on the screenshot. Cancelled: --- BlestaCMS previews: https://blesta.store/cms Share / View the code / Modify / fork freedom on Github: https://github.com/atlanical/BlestaCMS-Community-Edition
    4 points
  2. Nice! Looks like you may have another typo in the success message. It says 'you can how submit a support ticket'.
    2 points
  3. Paul

    BlestaCMS is now open-code!

    More adoption!
    1 point
  4. 1 point
  5. Thanks mate wouldn't be possible without your help making the tickets and I'll fix that haha how is now in the future haha. Fixed.
    1 point
  6. What Mike said. There is likely a pending service that is failing to be provisioned. Could be resulting in an error. Check your logs at ../logs_blesta/ (Defined under Settings > System > General) Pending services listed under Billing > Services: Pending
    1 point
  7. Paul

    Upgrade of blesta and php

    Never do 2 things at once. Since 4.4.2 supports PHP 5.6, I suggest doing the upgrade of Blesta first, then upgrading PHP. Backup database + files 3.6->4.4 is a long way, I suggest upgrading to 4.0, then 4.4.2. See the upgrade docs at https://docs.blesta.com/display/user/Upgrading+Blesta for an important list of files that must be deleted when upgrading from 3.x. After you are up and running on 4.4.2 on PHP 5.6, and upgrade PHP, then you will need to apply the right hotfix in the blesta-4.4.2.zip file, hotfix-php7 for PHP 7.0, and hotfix-php71 for PHP 7.1 or 7.2.
    1 point
  8. Tyson

    Support manager API

    It sounds like you want to POST each form to a separate location. <?php // POST to the valid method $this->Form->create('/validate/valid/', [...]); ... $this->Form->end(); // POST to the index method $this->Form->create(null, [...]); ... $this->Form->end(); Your Validate::valid() method really shouldn't require an argument if you want to POST to it
    1 point
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