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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/19/2019 in all areas

  1. Michael

    BlestaForums Beta 1

    We're almost ready for the Beta 1 of the BlestaForums. Myself and Timothy (our collaboration together) are testing everything to try and keep bugs to a minimum. We're testing everything and when it's ready for Beta 1, we will update everyone here. We will be having a trial for 14 days to try it and then you can purchase a license from either Blesta.Store or CubeData. Each has their own licensing system. We've agreed on doing what I did with the BlestaCMS in the beginning and that will be that it will be open-code minus the bits for licensing. We will be adding features as we go along and I'm looking into a way to integrate this forum plugin into the CMS so it can be a paid addon or free if you have the forums and the cms. You can view my forums alpha version if you're a customer of ours: https://blesta.store/client/plugin/blesta_forums/ Please note if you find a bug please let us know here and I'll get us onto it to fix it.
    1 point
  2. 1 point
  3. There are no known issues with PagSeguro. Because many gateways are cross border, I'm not sure if there are any others specifically for Brazil, but we may be creating one or more new gateways for Brazil soon including Widepay. I'm not familiar with boleto bancario. You can see a list of gateways at https://docs.blesta.com/display/user/Gateways If a customer does not pay, their services they have with you can be suspended, but it does not currently have any impact on whether the client can open tickets. Your support staff can check the status of their account, and ask them to bring it current in order to provide support. Or, a customization could be made to disable it if they are behind.
    1 point
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