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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/29/2019 in all areas

  1. we are almost finished the integration of coreui template with admin dashboard . the original free theme are available here https://coreui.io/demo/ what do you think ?
    1 point
  2. Paul

    How to change bulk Client Group?

    clients.client_group_id contains the client's group ID. If you wanted to update all clients in a specific group, then you could do something like: UPDATE clients SET clients.client_group_id='NEWID' WHERE clients.client_group_id='CURRENTID';
    1 point
  3. Tyson

    Get billing contact

    You can use the client ID to fetch the billing contacts, e.g. <?php public function buildProcess(array $contact_info, ...) { Loader::loadModels($this, ['Contacts']); if ($this->ifSet($contact_info['client_id'])) { // Fetch all billing contacts for this client $billing_contacts = $this->Contacts->getAll($contact_info['client_id'], 'billing'); } }
    1 point
  4. https://requests.blesta.com
    0 points
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