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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/05/2018 in all areas

  1. We've been WHMCS users for well over 8 years and today we took the leap to Blesta. We will be integrating it with our new platform and slowly moving clients over in 2019. We have grown so tired of the price increases and code refactors over at WHMCS with no real added value for us.
    5 points
  2. Thanks Tyson. That extra detail was enough to get an exception from TrustWave. The exception is not permanent, but hopefully the Blesta software will have an updated jquery version before the it comes up for review/re-evaluation.
    3 points
  3. mcrypt is not available by default for php7.3 so you have to use PECL to install it. I followed the tutorial here (Even though it says php7.2) https://lukasmestan.com/install-mcrypt-extension-in-php7-2/
    1 point
  4. Hello All, Today we want to announce that we are almost finished the development of our new module for Hetzner Cloud. the module will handel, create, suspend, unsuspend, cancel, rebuild(r- install), reset password and change hostname from admin and client area. in our upcoming release, we will add support for volumes, floating ips . now with this module we will cover the two big companies in Europe (with OVH server module already done).
    1 point
  5. To an extent we did and there comes a point where it's not cost effective to keep doing so. I'm not the best developer so I did what I could. We also contributed to CyanDark for the cPanel module that unfortunately didn't happen and patching customizations after every main release is very time consuming as well. We have no issue using WHMCS so I'm sorry if I sound like I'm complaining. I was trying to state why we left Blesta. That's all. Our business isn't to be developers so we've purchased another solution that has what we need to run our business. I support Open Source and it's awesome to give others the ability to write their own code and modify software. We are also the reason Blesta users have a plugin with SupportPal to integrate with their support ticket software. We sponsored that development with SupportPal.
    1 point
  6. I get that and respect that. I really don't understand @Paul lack of updates on any of this. If it was high priority, I would think 'something' would have been released by now.
    1 point
  7. It's worth whatever you and the buyer want to to pay. A lifetime Unbranded if you have that from Blesta is $500 so that or less. If it's a Owned Unbranded license than that depends on how much you paid from the vendor. And domains is being worked on but they don't have a magic wand. If they did they would build Blesta from the future where the competitor you used had 13 years to build on it. If Blesta could travel to the future 13 years ahead and bring that code back to the current 4.0 which was built on 3.0 in 2013 not 2005 then sure they'd have everything.
    1 point
  8. All of these systems are made to be customized. With that in mind, I would probably be interested in buying your license.
    1 point
  9. Yes, we left Blesta over the Summer and we left for many reasons but this one is the biggest: https://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/7197-domain-manager-we-need-your-feedback-on-domains/&tab=comments#comment-45629 Honestly, Paul's lack of any response to this just tells me that nothing is being done and we can't run our business with the answer 'we hope to have something available by the end of 2018'. We're there now and there's still no sign of this. I don't want to create a list that makes it look like we're bad mouthing the software or anything but there are many other features we need and we discovered others after making the switch. I believed in Blesta and wanted to stick with it but it ultimately comes down to useability for our clients and Blesta isn't quite there yet for our business. We'll keep an eye on the progress and if it gets where we need it to be, we'll move back. There are a lot of things to appreciate with Blesta too and depending on your company and needs, it's a great piece of software. I am in no way saying WHMCS is superior or anything like that. It just has the hosting features that we need for our clients. I feel we gave Blesta a fair shot by sticking with it for over 3 years.
    1 point
  10. surprised? many people / companies give up because there are no basic/standard modules to sell services. Our license was bought when it was Blesta 2.5, today we have Blesta 4? How many years should I wait? Many elements are still missing. Just browse the forum to find questions about the missing modules! The list is very long so Blesta is a waste of time for many companies. Although we still use Blesta, three of our other brands are based on wh...s. Many developers create cool solutions / modules, etc. but they are not 100% stable in combination with continuous updates of Blesta. Hosting is a type of business that requires stable operation of elements used to sell services. Unfortunately, Blesta has a problem with that.
    1 point
  11. The module is completed and fully working. :D
    1 point
  12. This is great, I would expect it :D
    1 point
  13. Hi @rebus9, Blesta does not perform cross-domain AJAX requests without specifying the dataType option, so I don't see how the vulnerability mentioned (i.e. https://snyk.io/vuln/npm:jquery:20150627) could be exploited as it is described. Blesta, actually, does not perform any cross-domain AJAX requests at all except for one in the admin interface in order to load the "Follow @blesta" button in the Feed Reader plugin. Unless you have installed some other third-party extensions with Blesta that do perform cross-domain AJAX requests, I don't think you have anything to worry about regarding that jQuery XSS vulnerability.
    1 point
  14. The "OrderPlugin.client.name" definition is used in a couple locations: In the client navigation When listing available order forms on the /order/forms/ URI For #2, the language is loaded from the language file, so it will appear as whatever definition you have set. For #1, the language is translated to the default language and saved in the database under the `plugins_actions` table. This navigation language does not change, or reload, unless the Order plugin is installed/upgraded, and remains static from there on. We intend to update plugins to support multi-language definitions that are pulled from the plugin's language file instead of the database, but this is not currently integrated into Blesta.
    1 point
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