Hello All Blestars.
we are happy to announce the release of our new wanted plugin, Notification Center. this plugin will allow admin to set wish action/event he should alerted by in some apps .
the plugin is modular and can accept more apps in the future, any developer can write it own app inside the plugin, is totally easy, just check one of our ready app like slack .
at the moment the plugin is in beta and testing period, we have add only 2 apps now (Slack Via API token, and Slack via Webhooks) .
Apps Added Until Now :
Slack Via API token
Slack via Webhooks
Alert Popup Notification (Dashboard)
Discord Onesignal (Soon)
Slack Notifiactions
Dashboard Notifications
Telegram Notifications
this plugin requiere the VIP (Gold) subscription .
Order Link
as always the installtion steps is :
1 - download the file from client area .
2 - upload the notification folder inside plugin directory .
3 - goto plugins , and install Notification Center.
4 - enjoy the content .