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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/27/2018 in all areas

  1. Oh, thx mate. I will bookmark this as a starting point and try to get it working. It will take a while. I am not the fastest and it's anyway only a decorative issue, low urgency
    1 point
  2. is true, is not accepting javascript also. we have CMS pro that i used in one of our website group that have this option, allow users to add javascripts/php in thier code, is multi-languages support, built-in in compares packages, built-in whois search, built-in sliders, built-in domains extensions page, built-in contact page, built-in menus and nav bars menu, footer links, Seo-friendly and mush more wonderful and fantastic features, we have not yet released for public, but we are in the way to release it. a dirty way to achieve your goal now is : 1 - create custom plugin that will show what you want. 2 - create a js file that has a ajax request to that plugin controller 3 - in the cms put the line to the js file. <script type="text/javascript" src="https://xxxxxx.com/plugins/your_plugin/views/default/js/your_js_file.js"></script> we are using the same method in blesta-addons to list the latest products, you can check html source code to understand well . our js file has this content fetch_latest_items(); function fetch_latest_items() { $(this).blestaRequest("GET", "/plugin/store/main/latest_products/", null, function(data) { if (data) $(".portfolio-slider").html(data); }, null, {dataType:"json"}); }
    1 point
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