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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/11/2018 in all areas

  1. Tyson

    Blesta 3.6.1 and php 7.0

    Just wanted to chime in here that the Blesta version 3-series (e.g. v3.6.0) will never support php 7+. It simply can not. There are backward incompatible changes introduced in php 7 that prevents Blesta v3.6 from being runnable on that version of php. In order for Blesta to support php 7+, Blesta must be updated to resolve those backward incompatible php 7 changes, and in so doing has to introduce backward incompatible changes in itself. This means that in order to support php 7, an update to Blesta requires a major software release (i.e. moving from version 3.x to version 4 following semantic versioning standards). This is precisely what we did do by releasing Blesta v4.0, and with that version you can run php 5.4+ or php 7+ using the provided ioncube-encoded files for php 5, php 7, or php7.1+ respectively. Ioncube itself does not support php 7+ with its php 5 encoded files, so that's why different encoded files must be used for your particular php version.
    4 points
  2. Paul

    Blesta 3.6.1 and php 7.0

    Yep.. just to be extra clear, as an addon to Tyson's post. If we re-encoded the files for v3.6 with the ioncube encoder for PHP 7.0 or higher, it still would not work. It's not a limitation on the software, Blesta 3.6 will not run under PHP 7. We spent a lot of time and effort with Blesta 4.0 to add support for PHP 7, which included a major framework update. There's no reason anyone should be running EOL software (See https://docs.blesta.com/display/support/End+of+Life+Policy). I highly recommend upgrading to 4.3.2.
    3 points
  3. BeZazz

    Blesta 3.6.1 and php 7.0

    cPanel released PHP 7 into cPanel about 1 year after Blesta 3.6.1 (which was released about 2 years ago). You can not expect support for newer PHP version/s in older software. Sure if Blesta 3.6.1 was the current version, I would expect it to run on PHP 7 but Blesta 3.6.1 is an older version. You really need to update if you expect it to run on the newer PHP version/s.
    2 points
  4. Provider "B" is alive
    1 point
  5. BeZazz

    Blesta 3.6.1 and php 7.0

    It will take more then ion cube encoded files, to get software to run on PHP 7x that was designed to run on PHP 5.6.
    1 point
  6. katycomputer

    Blesta 3.6.1 and php 7.0

    @bjacksparow I suspect everyone is taking Blesta's side on this one because the fee for support is so reasonable - $39 per year, I too would be grouchy if it was $390 per year, but it's not. Phillips charges a very reasonable fee for an essential tool. We want this software to be successful, it can't survive if its customers look for every conceivable way to avoid supporting the product.
    1 point
  7. Right here, this is the answer.... You do NOT need to update - you do however, need to also NOT update your PHP version. You can't update one without updating the other. As I have already said just run PHP5.6 and you will have no problem. I won't be replying to this thread anymore as I feel it will go nowhere everything that can be has been answered already. Good luck.
    1 point
  8. Please let me know how they made changes that broke it? The software was released for PHP version 5.6. It still works on the PHP version it was produced for they didn't break anything. Your choice of PHP install is what is causing the problem. FYI: Blesta 3.6.1 was released one month before PHP7 was even released, and a long time before control panel software added support for PHP7. https://www.blesta.com/tags/3.6.1/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PHP Side note but I wish Wingcommander/Privateer still worked on my current PC (without an emulator), wonder if I should message them and tell them to update for me?
    1 point
  9. So if you upgrade your ram from DDR3 to DDR4 it's the motherboards fault for not taking the ram? They should make it fit and work? Because we aren't talking about a minor build update here we are talking about a major version/release change. If you don't want to pay to upgrade, just run PHP 5.6. If you want to update your PHP, you need to update your Blesta as well it's as simple as that. Get a cheap VPS, put PHP5.6 on it, install blesta, or go to a webhost that provides mulit PHP. cPanel, Cloudlinux and I'm sure other panel software also provides the user with the choice on PHP version.
    1 point
  10. Just a note, CORE-2600 is scheduled to be in the 4.4.0 release.
    1 point
  11. Glad to hear if it is successful. Maybe I'm misunderstanding with your intent.
    1 point
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