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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/31/2018 in all areas

  1. Hello! The issue mentioned on Github is fixed, I've tested with blesta v4.3.0 (ships with CyberPanel module by default). However recently we released ACL Manager (https://docs.cyberpanel.net/doku.php?id=users) due to which users created via API are defaulting to admin access, this specific bug will be patched and released soon after testing. Regards
    2 points
  2. Hello All . i'm Glade to announce the release of Quotes Plugin . this plugin will allow you to ofer your client a quote/estimates about services , then the client can decide to accept or reject the quote , once accepted an invoice is generated . The Plugin Can : - Admins can add/edit/delete/close/re-open Quotes . - Clients can view/download assigned Quote. - Cleints can accept or reject the Quote . - Auto convertion of accepted Quote to invoice . - TAX support . - search in quote subjects . - Support PSR standard and latest blesta version (4.3.2) - Ajax Lest Side Tabs - Own Template Engine for PDF with support of latest TCPDF version - Watermark for Accepted Or Rejected Quote - Plugin Manage options to set logo, background, font, days validity, terms ... - Widget Client Profile for staff TODO list : - Clients can receive the quote via email as PDF . - Comments both for client and staff under the qoute (threaded reply/conversation). - Devide Quote in two invoice after accept (first for prepayment ,and second after final work) - Create Quote for non clients , they can view it with a unique url . - Store Invoice ID related to the quote in the quotes table . - Store Client info in the quotes for history . this plugin requiere the Pro (Silver) subscription . Order Link Plugin Page as always the installtion steps is : 1 - download the file from client area . 2 - upload the qoutes folder inside plugin directory . 3 - goto plugins , and install Quotes . 4 - enjoy the free content . NOTE: the quote link is added under billing tab .
    1 point
  3. i will try it later , thank for the info .
    1 point
  4. Nothing to understand big there. Is just sad, that I here in Vietnam, can't use it
    1 point
  5. A lot people on shared hosting have problems with file permissions, cPanel .... The webfolder, something like commonly /home/username/public_htl should be owned by username & root [username:root], chmod 777 for folders: uploads Uploads cache logs_blesta. files ONLY: plugins/support_manager/pipe.php AND app/controllers/cron.php (if using piping for ticketing, remember the #hasbang to) Get the server admin [root]to install this script, I run it once an hour. Enter your username and the path to your blesta,. Lamer note: lines and 4 #!/bin/bash # edit the following vars, keep the "" where they are myusername=”username” myblestapath=/path/to/blestainstalltion # No need to edit below, you might have to swap your enemy; root TO 999, just dependinr config find $myblestapath -user "root" -exec chown ‘$myusername’:’$myusername’ {} \; -exec chmod 02777 {} \; This will correct frequent issues and inheriting a 'pseudo root' (you re now root in this directory) and do with the new created [files owner:root] / [12345:999] do, whatever you want, until you might have suddenly a new file or folder. After the nxt script run, all will fine again until the next file or folder appears and then comes the script again, I am ok with once an hour in roots crontab (0 * * * * /path/to/the/script) Have fun
    1 point
  6. Abdy

    CyberPanel Module (Alpha)

    Apparently this bug has already been reported in the CyberPanel GitHub repository as the problem occurs even in the official WHMCS module. https://github.com/usmannasir/cyberpanel/issues/47 I am surprised that they introduce non backward compatible changes to API in a minor update. Apparently they're not using semantic versioning.
    1 point
  7. The event listeners will fallback to the default location of the core observers if you do not specific your own callback when registering the event. Don't use the Events component, it has been deprecated and will be removed. Use \Blesta\Core\Util\Events\* as described in the documentation. Also take a look at the README under /blesta/core/Util/Events/ on the file system.
    1 point
  8. php 7.1 added an error notice when calling tempnam in which it falls back to using the system's temporary directory. That will be displayed if error reporting is enabled. This is a new requirement added in php 7.2. A simple fix can be added to that module template to resolve that issue, which should be in the next version.
    1 point
  9. You added the product to the Universal Module, from the administration area goto Settings->Modules and click manage on the Universal Module.
    1 point
  10. Vietnam is generally (with very few exceptions) blocked in the UK, even from regular websites and USA ain't a lot better. Even when ordering Blesta ... it just popped up as scam/fraud. Have done all that together beforehand knowing that, with Support Paul ....., email .... I am now over 13 years here in Vietnam, full-time, so I know, what is going (or even not at all) All I can ensure you for sure, the countries, who talk most about about democracy, equality and human rights, they are the worse, exactly the opposite is a proven fact. I hold 2 two western world passports and legal residence, with companies and 67 employees here in Vietnam and I can't even open ljust regular send an mail to europe, despite myservers are very clean, only 4 blocks (all by country) in spam blacklists ... A bloody shame for those 'democratic" countries and even more, by the companies who blocjk or use use their services
    0 points
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