Vietnam is generally (with very few exceptions) blocked in the UK, even from regular websites and USA ain't a lot better. Even when ordering Blesta ... it just popped up as scam/fraud. Have done all that together beforehand knowing that, with Support Paul ....., email ....
I am now over 13 years here in Vietnam, full-time, so I know, what is going (or even not at all)
All I can ensure you for sure, the countries, who talk most about about democracy, equality and human rights, they are the worse, exactly the opposite is a proven fact.
I hold 2 two western world passports and legal residence, with companies and 67 employees here in Vietnam and I can't even open ljust regular send an mail to europe, despite myservers are very clean, only 4 blocks (all by country) in spam blacklists ... A bloody shame for those 'democratic" countries and even more, by the companies who blocjk or use use their services