I confirm when i created the 1st package option (the one with error) i saw the success message. The package option was saved, but werent saved the items in the "options section" (or at least when i try to edit these package option they are not there). And i can't update these package option because the error when i try to save.
Maybe now thinking, i can remember a little diference: betwen the 1st one and the 2nd one: because the error, i did an upgrade from 4.3.0 to 4.3.1 to try. Now, in the "options section" when i choose "Quantity" and in the "options section" i leave "min" or "max" empty, and try to save, it gives a white screen (wont save), and looking at the blesta logs it gives this error:
[2018-08-20 18:46:36] general.ERROR: PDOException: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1366 Incorrect integer value: '' for column 'min' at row 1 in
And there is a chance i leaved "min" or "max" empty the first time because they aren't requiered (only "step" is). I don't remember really and i can't confirm it because these records wheren't saved. Idk, for example, would happens that these values can't be empty, and the first time, before the pach, it allowed me to save and there is some error in the DB with this item (relations or somehting)?
Anyway, not big deal, i will continue working and see how goes. If i can reproduce the error i put it here, for now i can't, it doesnt happens. For now the only strange i see is these white screen leaving these fields empty (min and max), it looks like if they are not validated before save like the other fields and needs to be.
Thank you,