When the API doesn't work the way you expect, you should look at the errors you enconter, e.g.:
See the docs for an example.
From looking at your request, you are making a couple mistakes:
You're using the "GET" HTTP verb to add something. "GET" [i.e. $api->get(..)] should only be used for retrieving information, not setting information. Use "POST" [i.e. $api->post(...)]
You're not passing valid key => value pairs for all values expected by Invoices::add
You have "array($service_id,'Desc', 1,1,0)". Is that supposed to be the line items? Why aren't they in key => value format?
You have "...'recur_date_billed' => $today, 1)));". What is that extraneous 1 at the end of the list that is not in key => value format?
It'll be easier to figure out and avoid issues if you format your source code better:
$response = $api->get(
'vars' => array(
'client_id' => $client_id,
'date_billed' => $today,
'date_due' => $today,
'date_closed' => $today,
'date_autodebit' => $today,
'status' => 'active',
'currency' => '208',
'note_public' => 'Public note',
'note_private' => 'Privat note',
array($service_id,'Desc', 1,1,0),
'period' => 'month',
'duration' => 'indefinitely',
'duration_time' => '1',
'recur_date_billed' => $today,