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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/04/2018 in all areas

  1. New Release 1.0.2 Added 2 more destinations : 1 - Amazon S3 2 - Sftp
    1 point
  2. Paul

    Blesta 4.3.0 Beta 3 Released

    Blesta version 4.3.0-b3 (BETA 3) is now available. You can download it from right here (Client Area Login Required). Read the blog post announcement at https://www.blesta.com/2018/06/15/blesta-4.3-beta-released/ This is a BETA release. Beta releases are not considered stable enough for production use, and are UNSUPPORTED. DO NOT INSTALL IN A PRODUCTION ENVIRONMENT. Please report any bugs you find in the v4.3 beta bug forum. Installing Blesta See Installing Blesta in the User Manual for instructions. Upgrading Blesta See Upgrading Blesta in the User Manual for instructions. Release Notes See Blesta Core - Version 4.3.0-b3. For older releases see all Change Logs.
    1 point
  3. 1. From 5 days you said same thing, this already gives a feeling to freelancer that the customer is ditching, none of my customer has ever done this infact they have always asked us to do the work faster and has always supplied all information. 2. I asked you to confirm since when customer don't reply from many days, freelancer can already understand that what is going on. 3. Terrible thoughts? Sure thing, all screenshots are mentioned on main thread and you guys can see what "terrible thoughts" they are, telling him that how will i pay to my freelancer are terrible thoughts, telling him that you ditched me, are terrible thoughts. 4. CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION? THE SAME INFORMATION THAT YOU WOULD PUT ON YOUR WEB, WHICH WILL BE CRAWLED BY BOTS, EVERYONE ON INTERNET, IS THAT FINE??? WOW HYPOCRISY. "I want my money" I never said that. I ASKED YOU WHETHER YOU WILL PAY OR NOT WHEN PROJECT IS FINISHED TO CONFIRM THAT YOU ARE NOT DITCHING US. A normal freelancer and a company ALWAYS asks for that, YOU have never worked with people or you just need an excuse NOT TO pay for what we did. Infact every NORMAL FREELANCER/COMPANY takes payment in advance, but we gave favors to you which then you just abused. Good luck doing business with others, today you scammed me, tomorrow someone else will scam you.
    1 point
  4. Sounds like he was right to do so. Freelancers have every right to expect to be paid in a timely fashion. Expectations should be laid out before any work is started, including any reasons why someone might not be paid. As far as I'm concerned, if you agreed to have him to the work, you've agreed to pay him for it. Lesson learned in this case I guess? If you do work for people through the forums here, do your own due diligence on them, and get $$ up front, at least to cover your costs. Not sure there's much else that can be said here. Others can make up their own minds. </thread>
    1 point
  5. New version Released 1.8.0 . Fix loading Classes .
    1 point
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